Submission of the council’s proposed main modifications

Site Allocations Plan

Leeds Site Allocations Plan (SAP) allocates land for future housing and employment and also makes designations for retail and green space across the whole of Leeds (except for the area covered by Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan) and was adopted by the Council on 10th July 2019 following an Independent Examination by the Secretary of State.

Council's proposed main modifications

Following the outcome of the legal challenge, the council reconsidered the 37 green belt sites and propose that they should remain in the green belt.

From 5 January to 16 February 2021, the council consulted on main modifications which proposed that the 37 Green Belt sites should remain in the Green Belt as up to date evidence shows that sufficient non-Green Belt land is available to help deliver the overall housing requirements for Leeds, without the need for Green Belt at this time.

Following a consultation response, a further main modification (MM39) is proposed for the site at Barrowby Lane, Manston to allocate the site for employment (reference EG2-37). The implications of this are that the site will no longer remain in the Green Belt. Further details of this including the justification are provided in the SAP Remittal – Background Paper.

The council's proposed main modifications to the remitted part of the Site Allocations Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Secretary of State on 26 March 2021.

What happens next

The plan will now be subject to an independent examination to be conducted by the Planning Inspectorate.  All comments received on the council's main modifications consultation have been submitted to the Independent Inspector for consideration.  

This is a continuous process running from the date of submission through to the receipt of the appointed Planning Inspectors Report. Part of this may involve hearing sessions where those invited to attend will have the opportunity to respond to matters raised by an appointed Planning Inspector.

Submission documents include: