Inspector’s further proposed main modifications

Site Allocations Plan

The examination hearings were held from 14 to 17 September and a further half day hearing session on 18 of May 2022.

Following the hearing session 18 May, the Inspector wrote to the council on the 22 July 2022 and 8 November 2022 (together with an addendum on the 29 November 2022) whereby she confirmed that her provisional conclusion had changed and she was now of the view that exceptional circumstances (required by paragraph 83 of the NPPF (2012)) to change the green belt boundary did not exist at this point in time and therefore the release of the Barrowby Lane site (EG2-37) from the Green Belt was not justified.

The Inspector considers that her preliminary draft proposed Main Modifications relating to Barrowby Lane, Manston (namely MM10, MM19 and MM20) consulted on from December 2021 to January 2022 are now not necessary for soundness and need amending within the SAPR.

The practical impact of which is to not allocate the site for employment use and to delete the former mixed use allocation.

Following consideration of the Inspector's proposed main modifications to the SAPR and having considered all representations including those made at the examination hearing sessions the Inspector has now recommended her further proposed main modifications to the Site Allocations Plan (SAP), which she considers, subject to consultation, are necessary for the SAP to be sound and legally compliant.

On behalf of the Inspector, the council invited comments between 16 December 2022 until 27 January 2023 on whether these Main Modifications will rectify any issues of soundness.

Consultation - next steps

Representations made during the consultation period will be submitted to the Planning Inspector for consideration. The Inspector will take these representations into account on whether these proposed Main Modifications will rectify any issues of soundness.

The Inspector already have copies of all previous representations made at the earlier consultation stages. The Site Allocations Plan Remittal remains at Examination by Planning Inspector.

Consultation documents