Adult social care

Adult social care is also known as social services.

We help adults who need support to live well. It can be long term or just until they are doing better, our aim is to always support people to be as independent as possible. In Leeds, we want every person with care and support needs to be able to live the life they want to live, doing what’s important to them in good homes and in caring communities.

Increase your independence and keep living safely in your home, find out about community groups and organisations, services, equipment and general information on Leeds Directory .


Complete the questionnaire to find out about types of support, community resources and equipment

Care cost calculator

Use the care cost calculator to find out if you are eligible for help towards the cost of your care

Worried about someone

Get support for an adult who needs help including friends, relatives and elderly neighbours, or report abuse and neglect

Help at home

Get home care, personal alarms, mobility equipment and other support to help you stay safe and live well at home

Care Delivery Service

Our Care Delivery Service is a group of Leeds City Council services providing care and support for adults

Mental health services

Mental health problems are common and can be treated. Find out how we can help you to maintain good health and wellbeing

Recovery hubs

Support for adults who need temporary care to promote faster recovery from illness, prevent unnecessary hospital admission and maximise independent living

Have your say

Get involved in shaping care and health developments in Leeds

CQC ratings

Find out how our services are rated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Quality in Care Awards

Find out about the Leeds Quality in Care Awards and submit your nominations for the 2024 awards