West Yorkshire Combined Authority financial information

Council tax financial information 2025/26.

The West Yorkshire Combined Authority is committed to creating a brighter region that works for all.

Working closely with our partner local authorities (Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield), we are keen to deliver the shared vision of the West Yorkshire Plan and make life better for people in our local communities.

Much of our annual revenue income comes from the transport levy, which is collected by our partner councils through council tax. In 2025/26, the Combined Authority’s levy funding will be £92 million – a level which has been almost unchanged in over 10 years and represents a real-terms fall in the levy. This helps keep costs low for the residents of West Yorkshire in these challenging times.

We use levy funding to support and maintain our transport network, keep fares affordable and support bus routes and services that aren’t covered by commercial providers. This year, we will commit £37.7 million to funding concessionary travel schemes for older and disabled people, £35.5m on subsidised travel for young people and £71 million on other transport priorities.

We also lead many projects not funded by council tax, including employment and skills programmes.

Here’s an overview of our income and expenditure in 2025/26: 

Where the money came from 2025/26

Funding Amount Percentage
City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement £220,975 24.77%
Transforming Cities Fund £107,103 12.00%
Transport Levy £92,198 10.33%
Transport Fund £88,655 9.94%
Other £79,921 8.96%
Education and Skills Funding Agency £77,565 8.69%
Other Transport Funding £61,930 6.94%
Gainshare £61,709 6.92%
Investment Zones/UKSPF £47,139 5.28%
Capital Receipts £39,461 4.42%
Gainshare (funded by revenue) £12,387 1.39%
Police Precept £2,468 0.28%
Local Transport Capital Funding £669 0.07%
Brownfield Housing Fund £0 0.00%
Local Enterprise Partnership Funding £0 0.00%
Total funding £892,180  

What the money is spent on 2025/26

Service Amount Percentage
Infrastructure for growth (Transport) £437,374 49.02%
Adult Education £72,893 8.17%
Growing businesses £56,448 6.33%
Corporate services £56,428 6.32%
Passenger services £48,819 5.47%
Concessionary travel (senior, blind and disabled) £37,729 4.23%
Concessionary travel (young people) £35,545 3.98%
Skilled people, better jobs £25,246 2.83%
Economic and transport policy and delivery £23,031 2.58%
Subsidised bus services £22,216 2.49%
Energy and environmental resilience £21,263 2.38%
Education transport £18,164 2.04%
Infrastructure for growth (Housing & Regeneration) £17,235 1.93%
Finance charges £8,577 0.96%
Police and Crime Commissioner £7,038 0.79%
Other corporate projects £4,175 0.47%
Total expenditure £892,180  

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