New website
We are excited to announce the launch of the new website. Find out more information.
As a council our priority is, and always will be, supporting the people of Leeds and those who need us the most through delivering and offering services to help all our residents, communities and businesses to live well, develop and thrive.
Our key values of respecting people, being inclusive, transparent and working together with all our partners and communities as ‘Team Leeds’ continue to guide us in everything we do. This approach is never more important than when facing difficult times, as we continue to have this year with the biggest single-year financial challenge we have ever been faced with.
As you will be aware from running your own household, personal or business finances, making ends meet is a constant challenge from month to month, year to year.
The council budget is the same, with rising costs and demand for services meaning that despite Leeds receiving an extra £67million of funding in the next financial year, we need to deliver another £103.8m of savings overall, the most we’ve ever had to save in a single year, to achieve the balanced budget we are legally required to set.
While the council is committed to doing everything it can to reduce costs and make savings, two key elements especially pressuring the budget are the costs of taking care of our most vulnerable children and older people, especially those who need to be looked after with dedicated and specialist care. Demand in both these areas is rising, and the costs involved can be exceptionally high.
Through a collaborative and innovative approach with partners, the council continues to embrace new ideas to try and reduce these costs while still delivering effective services to support people.
For example in children’s services we are investing in small group living homes which means children can stay in the city close to their friends, families and communities, rather than needing to live in costly external placements elsewhere.
Investment is also being made into a reunification service which helps children return into the care of their immediate or wider family, where it is safe and appropriate to do so, where they are likely to be much happier than in looked-after placements which are often a significant distance away from home.
Despite the successes of these initiatives, the importance and demand for foster carers in Leeds remains a key priority and need. Foster carers play an invaluable role in our city, taking care of and nurturing some of our most vulnerable children and young people. It is challenging but also can be incredibly rewarding, and we would encourage anyone interested in possibly becoming a foster carer to visit Foster 4 Leeds or arrange to speak to a member of the team to find out more.
Another new initiative making a difference is the HomeFirst programme delivered by Leeds City Council working with NHS and care partners is making an impact in adult social care across the city. Focused on providing a range of short-term support services to help people return home after they have been discharged from hospital, or to help them avoid being admitted to hospital, the programme aims to improve recovery and increase independence. In its first 18 months 1,200 fewer adults needed to be admitted to hospital as they received care at home or in a community setting instead. For those admitted to hospital on the programme, their length of stay has been cut by 17 per cent on average, with more than 400 people able to go straight home after a hospital stay rather than into an intermediate community care setting.
As I set out above, due to the ongoing financial challenge the council element of the annual council tax bill is to increase by 4.99 per cent, with 1.99 per cent of that to be dedicated to help with adult social care costs. Putting up bills and prices is not something we as a council want to do, but realistically we have no choice due to the vital role council tax and other income plays in funding services in the city.
For those struggling with financial issues, our Money Information Centre is available to all, offering free confidential and impartial help and guidance on a range of topics such as debt, money, energy and utilities.
There is no doubt the year ahead will be testing, but through the continued resilience and problem-solving determination Leeds is famous for our city will continue to grow together as a great place for all to live, work and visit.
– Councillor James Lewis, Leader of Leeds City Council.
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