West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner financial information

Council tax financial information 2025/26.

People in the region have told me they want well-funded, visible police service.

In my role as Mayor of West Yorkshire, I oversee our police budget. Part of this role includes setting the police precept, which is the section on your council tax bill that funds policing here in West Yorkshire.

More than a decade of austerity has left us facing financial pressures. West Yorkshire Police is currently facing a deficit of £17.4m. It is under that backdrop that I have had to make the difficult decision to increase the police section of your council tax.

This equates to between an extra 18 pence and 24 pence per week for the majority of the county’s households who are in Council Tax Bands A to C.

People in the region have told me time and time again that they want well-funded, visible police service. The response to my precept consultation tells me that this remains true.

By increasing the police precept, we can maintain our police force and work towards creating a safer West Yorkshire.

Tracy Brabin
Mayor of West Yorkshire

Where the money came from 2025/26

Item Percentage
Government grant 52.1%
Income 25%
Precept (Police council tax) 22%
Other 0.9%

What the money is spent on 2025/26

Item Percentage
Police officers 52.5%
Police staff 22%
Running costs, such as premises and vehicles 21.3%
PCSOs 2.5%
Borrowing 1.4%
WYCA 0.3%
Budget 2024/25 2025/26
Gross expenditure £754.940 million £828.180 million
Council tax requirement £170.542 million £182.554 million

There will be 5.6% increase to the annual police council tax.

Council tax Band Current cost per year 2024/2025 cost Annual increase Per week increase
A £166.19 £175.52 £9.33 18p
B £193.89 £204.77 £10.88 21p
C £221.58 £234.02 £12.44 24p
D £249.28 £263.28 £14.00 27p
E £304.67 £321.78 £17.11 33p
F £360.07 £380.29 £20.22 39p
G £415.47 £438.80 £23.30 45p
H £498.56 £526.56 £28.00 54p

I’ve been working with the police, partner agencies and my Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Alison Lowe OBE over the last year to make our region a better place. We have:

  • launched the country’s first dedicated Women’s Safety unit. This is a first-of-its kind unit driving change and working in collaboration to prevent violence against women and girls, raise awareness, and improve safety
  • launched our Vision Zero strategy which works towards eliminating road death and serious injuries in West Yorkshire
  • to date, as part of my Mayor’s Safer Communities Fund, given out more than £3.04m in cash and assets seized from criminals to 357 local community groups and projects
  • funded an Independent Stalking Advocacy Service, supporting hundreds of victims of domestic stalkingcontinued crucial work to tackle knife crime and serious violence particularly among young people, alongside our dedicated Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP)
  • funded an Independent Stalking Advocacy Service, supporting hundreds of victims of domestic stalking
  • continued crucial work to tackle knife crime and serious violence particularly among young people, alongside our dedicated Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP)

You can find out more about our work and contact us:



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