Leeds Youth Voice

Find out how children and young people can share their opinions and priorities, influence decision making and shape services across Leeds.

Our ambition

The Child Friendly Leeds ambition is for ‘all children and young people to be able to express their views, feel heard and be involved in decisions that affect their lives’. It wishes for all children and young people to:

  • have a greater awareness of the different ways they can share their views and ideas
  • know how to influence change within their school and community
  • have access to support and training to develop their skills and confidence to enable them to have a voice and influence

Get involved

The Voice, Influence and Change team run the following city-wide programmes:

We also work in partnership with different council services to offer community-based opportunities:

What you can expect

Any opportunity you take part in will be on a voluntary basis.

Hours of commitment are generally flexible, although elected roles have more specific attendance requirements.

Vouchers are often provided for participation in sessions and bus vouchers are provided when support for travel is needed.

All children and young people must complete a consent form in order to take part in the programmes.

Contact us

Find out more about Leeds Youth Voice and how you can get involved:


Social media

Twitter: @LeedsYouthVoice

Instagram: @LeedsYouthVoice