New website
We are excited to announce the launch of the new website. Find out more information.
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Key dates in the admissions cycle and useful contact numbers are available on the relevant pages.
The information in our Check a school's admissions details tool is correct for:
Whether your child is starting primary school or moving onto secondary school, choosing which schools to apply for is one of the most important decisions a family can make. We understand this and are committed to working with parents and carers to help and support them as they make this decision.
“To help parents and carers make their preferences, a range of information is available both directly from schools and from the council. Schools will provide information about their own admissions policy, open events, transport and uniforms. The admissions pages of the council website provide details about previous allocation rounds, links to Ofsted reports and links to each school as well as further details about admissions policies.
It is vitally important that families submit their school preferences before the given deadline. We also strongly advise using all five preferences to give the best chance of being allocated a place at a preferred school.”
Councillor Helen Hayden
Executive Member for Children and Families.
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