Which schools our policy applies to
Our admissions policies apply to all Leeds:
- community schools
- voluntary controlled schools
It does not apply to:
- academy schools
- foundation schools
- voluntary-aided schools
- free schools
These schools set their own admissions policies.
To find out which policy applies to a school, check the school's admissions details.
How we prioritise school places
We give children priority for places in the following order:
- Children who are in care and some children who were previously in care in England or adopted from state care abroad (check our full policies for details).
- Children without an educational, health and care plan (EHCP), who have special educational or medical needs that can only be met at one school.
- Children who have a brother or sister at the school. This includes adopted, foster, step or half siblings. Their sibling must also live at the same address. This priority does not apply if your child's sibling joined the sixth form from another school.
- Children who attend Cockburn Haigh Road Academy (formerly Rothwell Haigh Road Infant School) will have priority for Rothwell Victoria Junior School.
- Children who live in the school’s catchment area. This is measured as a straight line from the child's home. Check if you live in a school’s catchment area.
- Any other children prioritised by how close they live to the school. This is measured as a straight line from the child's home.
If you think your child has priority for a school you might need to
provide evidence. Check the full policy below for more details.
Read our full admissions policies
Primary school policies
Junior school policies
Secondary school policies
Catchment areas
Check your catchment area
You can also find maps for individual schools on our
check a school's admissions details tool
Our coordination schemes
Our coordination schemes set out how we work with different types of schools and other local authorities to process applications to start school for the first time or to move schools.
Reception, junior and year 7 coordinated scheme
In-year coordinated admission scheme
Find out about school admissions policy consultations or raise your concerns about a policy to the school's adjudicator.