The Core Strategy is the main strategic document within the Local Plan for Leeds and sets out the strategic policy framework for the district to 2028 and a housing requirement to 2033.
It comprises a long-term spatial vision and strategic objectives, a spatial strategy, thematic policies and a monitoring and implementation framework.
Adoption of the Core Strategy
The Core Strategy was originally adopted by Leeds City Council on 12 November 2014 and amended by the Core Strategy Selective Review (CSSR) which was adopted in September 2019. The Core Strategy (as amended by the CSSR) sets a revised housing requirement for the period 2017 – 2033, amends policies on affordable housing, green space and sustainable construction and introduces new policies on housing space standards, accessible homes and electric vehicle charging points.
Both the original Core Strategy 2014 and the CSSR 2019 were subject to public examination and found sound by the Inspectors appointed to oversee the process, subject to the inclusion of the main modifications set out in appendices to their reports. See the report documents for full details.
The Core Strategy (as amended) forms part of the statutory Local Plan and will be used in determining planning applications. A consolidated Core Strategy with the recently amended CSSR Policies (Sept 2019) is available to download above.
All Local Plan documents will be directly guided by the Core Strategy policies, including the
Site Allocations Plan,
Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan,
Natural resources and Waste Plan and
Made Neighbourhood Plans.
Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statements were prepared for both the original Core Strategy and the CSSR. They outline how sustainability, and in particular environmental and climate change considerations were integrated into the Core Strategy documents..
If you require any further details on the Core Strategy, please contact us by email at