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This draft transport policy statement provides information about the transport support available for students aged 16 to 18 and young people aged 19 to 25 with learning difficulties or disabilities to attend places of learning for the academic year 2025/26. It is reviewed and updated annually. We are keen to receive feedback from parents, young people and other stakeholders about how clear this proposed policy statement is. A consultation on this policy statement is open until 2 May 2025. To request a copy of the consultation questionnaire, please email Children’s Transport at
1.1 This draft transport policy statement gives families information about the transport support available to all persons of sixth form age receiving education or training and young people with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND) aged 16 to 25.
1.2 Applications for support with home to school or college travel arrangements post-16 for the 2025/26 academic year onwards will be assessed against a new policy, the Children and Young People's Transport Policy December 2024 which replaces Leeds Children's Services Transport Policy (November 2015). This draft policy statement refers to changes to the support available to eligible post-16 learners with SEND entering post-16 education from September 2025 and assessed under the new policy. It is, therefore, materially different to the Post 16 transport policy statement 2024 to 2025. Information related to the post-16 policy review can be found on the post-16 transport policy review webpage.
1.3 Free transport assistance for young people with SEND already in post-16 who are currently in receipt of support awarded under Leeds Children's Services Transport Policy (November 2015) will continue to be provided in line with the transitional arrangements described in Section 10 of the Children and Young People's Transport Policy December 2024. The new criteria would be applied to new post 16 and post 19 applications received for the 2025/26 academic year onwards, or where any student circumstances change (e.g. moving house, moving settings, change in individual needs/disabilities) and a new application for transport assistance for the 2025/26 academic year onwards is received.
1.4 This draft policy statement includes broad information about the general transport arrangements, concessionary fares scheme and other public transport information of potential use to young people of 6th Form age attending employment, education or training.
1.5 There is no automatic entitlement to free home to school or college transport once a student is over compulsory school age. Compulsory school age ceases on the last Friday in June in the school year in which a child reaches the age of 16. This is usually at the end of Year 11. Responsibility for making appropriate transport arrangements rests with a student and/or their parents/carers, although support for young people with SEND extends up to age 25.
1.6 Leeds City Council is responsible for policy relating to the provision of travel assistance for young people who are above compulsory school age but under 19 years of age (under 25 for those with SEND). Leeds City Council works with the following partners to implement the policy:
1.7 Leeds City Council works collaboratively with partners regarding post-16 travel to enable young people to access further education and/or training where individuals are facing difficulties accessing courses due to travel issues.
1.8 Any travel assistance provided to all young people will be reassessed prior to the start of year 12.
2.1 Through the levy it pays to the WYCA, Leeds City Council funds concessionary fares that allow discounted travel within West Yorkshire for all Leeds students and young people.
2.2 There is a wide range of concessionary fares and season tickets offered through the WYCA that are valid on most bus and train operators operating routes within West Yorkshire. All young people aged 16 to 19 are entitled to travel at half the adult fare on buses and trains within West Yorkshire provided they have a Under 19 Photo Card. For details of this smart card, county-wide bus and rail travel information, concessionary tickets and passes such as the Under 19 MCard contact:
Phone: (0113) 245 7676 (Metroline)
Website: WY Metro tickets and passes
Northern Rail:
Phone: 0800 200 6060
Visit Northern Rail 16-25 Railcard for information about railcards for discounted travel, or National Rail Enquiries for general information regarding travel by train.
2.3 In addition to arrangements made by the local authority, governing bodies of post-16 learning may also provide support with transport costs and transport provision. For information, you are advised to contact them directly. The information given below details how colleges may provide extra help with transport:
2.4 Young people who have a learning difficulty, or a disability that prevents them from travelling alone, may be entitled to a Disabled Person's Travel Pass that allows them and a companion to free off-peak travel on buses and to reduced rate, off-peak rail travel within West Yorkshire. Leeds residents can get more details from the WYCA:
Phone: 0113 245 7676 (Metroline)
Website: WY Metro for main Metro website
Website: WY Metro Blind and Disabled Person’s Travel Pass for pass information
2.5 The Disabled Person's Travel Pass is valid within West Yorkshire and allows free travel on buses after 9:30am, Monday to Friday; all day Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays. It allows half-fare rail travel after 9:30am.
2.6 For rail travel outside West Yorkshire, beyond the last West Yorkshire stopping station, full fare is payable for West Yorkshire Under 19 PhotoCard holders, unless they are in possession of a discounted railcard such as a 16-25 Railcard.
3.1 All post-16 young people who live in the Leeds District and are aged 16 to 19 years are entitled to West Yorkshire's concessionary fares scheme so they can access public transport for their daily travel to and from post-16 learning within the West Yorkshire boundary at a reduced cost. The scheme is funded by Leeds City Council (and neighbouring authorities) through a levy paid to the Combined Authority.
3.2 Additional support is available to some young people who have recognised SEND. Details can be found in the Children and Young People's Transport Policy December 2024. Further information is available on the Council’s Post-16 transport policy review webpage.
4.1 If a young person with SEND in post-16 learning qualifies for assistance under the Children and Young People’s Transport Policy, December 2024, Leeds City Council will provide the least restrictive, most sustainable, and cost-effective form of assistance possible in line with Section 9 of the policy. This could involve one of the following awards:
5.1 The decision to provide a young person with assistance to get to and from post-16 learning is based on our assessment of their travel need. Any provision of travel assistance will be limited to one outward journey and one return journey and where transport is provided it will be timed to support the most efficient use of vehicles. Travel assistance is not provided for taster days, induction days, enrichment activities, work/ internship placements or work experience. For these, students need to make other arrangements and should speak to their post-16 learning provider.
5.2 If a young person is awarded bespoke transport provision in the form of a taxi or minibus, it is the parent/carers' responsibility to ensure that they are ready to depart from home - or take the young person to an agreed pick-up point - at the designated time at the start of the day and to ensure that they access the vehicle safely. For safeguarding purposes, no variation can be made to a scheduled journey without the prior consent of Children's Transport Assessment Officers.
5.3 Subject to the young person's satisfactory conduct, support will continue, in line with the transport policy, if there is reasonable progression in the young person's studies, consistent with the Children & Families Act 2014.
5.4 A link to an online application form can be found on Children’s Transport’s website, Travel support for children and young people with SEND. If assistance accessing or completing the application is required, the team can be contacted on 0113 5351990 or by emailing
6.1 When assessing an application for support with home to post-16 learning travel arrangements, Children's Transport's Assessors consider, as part of their assessment:
6.2 Eligible young people will receive the least restrictive, most sustainable, and cost-effective form of assistance to qualifying young people, which promotes the greatest independence. As part of their assessment, Children's Transport Assessors may need to meet with the young person and their parent/carer to fully understand their needs and to determine whether any support offered can be changed to offer increasing independence during the academic year.
6.3 Assessors may choose to review the eligibility and travel assistance arrangements for post-16 young people prior to the start of each academic year. This ensures that assistance is appropriate for the young person's needs in accordance with the Children and Young People's Transport Policy December 2024.
7.1 Where travel assistance is provided in the form of a taxi or minibus, young people may share with other young people who attend different sites and follow courses with different timetables. This could result in longer travelling times and waiting times at college for the young person. Shared transport serves to achieve sustainable transport outcomes, reduce congestion, overall emissions, and secure cost-efficient travel arrangements.
7.2 Young people who are in receipt of travel assistance and subsequently fail to attend post-16 learning, without a valid reason, may have their assistance suspended or withdrawn. Similarly, pending review and reassessment of travel needs, travel assistance could be withdrawn in the event of persistently disruptive or dangerous behaviour during journeys.
7.3 Young people who are awarded a Zero Fare School Pass must comply with a code of conduct and conditions of use agreed between Leeds City Council and the Combined Authority. If they breach the Code of conduct or Conditions of use issued with the pass, their Zero Fare pass may be confiscated by the operator. Leeds City Council and the Combined Authority also reserve the right to withdraw the provision of support either for a temporary period or permanently for more serious or persistent cases of misbehaviour.
8.1 In accordance with the Children & Families Act 2014, as young people become older and move towards greater independence, it is appropriate that they develop their skills of independent travel in preparation for adulthood and employability. For some young people, this may mean using public transport or walking to post-16 learning.
8.2 Where appropriate, Leeds City Council will encourage young people with SEND to undertake ITT to enable them to use public transport with confidence. Each case will be considered on its own merits.
8.3 All members of the Council's ITT team work alongside staff based at post-16 learning to deliver programmes tailored to the needs of individual young people.
8.4 Where necessary, ITT will include classroom-based activities designed to improve young person's ability to use money, read and understand timetables, recognise landmarks and communicate with the bus driver or train conductor. Practical sessions are paced accordingly and allow the young person to develop and practise their journeys with the support of a dedicated 'Travel Buddy'. The Travel Buddy gradually allows the young person to take more and more responsibility for their journey until the young person has the skills and confidence to make the journey without support. Individual ITT programmes are signed off by Independent Travel Training Coordinators who continue to make occasional checks on former trainees.
8.5 Information about the work of Children's Transport's Independent Travel Training service can be found on Children's Transport's Independent Travel Training webpage.
9.1 Young people progressing into post-16 learning can apply directly to their learning provider for a bursary which can be used towards the cost of post-16 transport. The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund is administered at individual post-16 learning and enables places of learning to target support to those young people who may face the greatest financial barriers to participation in education and training. Young people and should speak to a Student Support Officer at post-16 learning for more information. Information about bursaries can be found here: (GOV.UK) 16 to 19 Bursary Fund
9.2 There are two types of 16 to 19 Bursary:
Some students, aged 19 or over on a further education course and facing financial hardship, may qualify for (GOV.UK) Learner Support to help pay for things related to their course or study that are not covered by course fees. The money could help with, for example:
College students should contact Student Services, Sixth Form students their school’s Head of Sixth Form, for details and an application form.
9.3 The (GOV.UK) Care to Learn (C2L) scheme is for young parents who are under the age of 20 when they start their course. C2L funding can help pay for childcare and related travel costs.
9.4 C2L funding does not cover the cost of the student travelling to and from post-16 learning. For that, students need to consider getting a Under 19 Photocard, the 19-25 MCard or the MyDay ticket. For more details:
Phone: 0113 245 7676 (Metroline)
Website: WY Metro Tickets and Passes
9.5 Some young people with a disability may be entitled to a (GOV.UK) Personal Independence Payment (PIP) to help with some of the extra costs caused by long-term ill-health or a disability. The rate depends on how the condition affects the young person, not the condition itself.
10.1 Children's Transport Assessors will assess young people’s eligibility for support in line with policy following an application being submitted and details of the assistance offered are sent to the young person and/ or their parent/carer. If a young person or their parent/carer feel that the decision relating to the proposed travel arrangements are unsuitable, then the young person/ parent/ carer has 20 working days from the date of the letter to make a written request for their case to be reviewed by a senior officer at stage 1 of the appeals process.
10.2 The reviewing officer will check whether the transport policy was correctly applied and whether any additional information provided by the applicant would cause the original decision to be changed. Review requests must be in writing and marked "School/College Transport Review Request" and sent to or by post to:
Children’s Transport
Assets and Access
Children and Families
Civic Hall
10.3 Written notification of the outcome of the Stage 1 review is sent to the young person and/or parent giving reasons for the decision, along with notification of their right to appeal to Stage 2 of the appeals process, where the case will be considered by an independent appeal panel. The young person and and/or parent is given 20 working days to fill in and return the appeal form, which can be requested by email to or in writing to the above postal address.
10.4 Stage 2 transport appeals are heard throughout the year by a panel of two senior managers drawn from the Children and Families Directorate who are independent of the Children's Transport service. Appeal panels are scheduled to take place no later than two calendar months after the appeal form is received. The panel has authority to overturn any refusal of support if they deem that the policy has been wrongly applied or if there are exceptional circumstances.
10.5 Anyone who remains dissatisfied with the process of an appeal and believes that proper procedures have not been followed can ask the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) to investigate. Any additional information that the applicant feels should be taken into account may be provided at this time. Complaint to the LGO must relate to the administration of an appeal rather than the appeal decision. The LGO can be contacted in three ways:
LGO advice line: 0300 061 0614
Website: Welcome to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
Young people or their families may also complain to the Secretary of State.
11.1 The Council's Sustainable Modes of Travel to School Strategy sets out how Leeds will facilitate and promote sustainable travel within the district, so that the needs of children and young people are better catered for. It has four main objectives:
Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy is available on the Transport Policy webpage.
12.1 The Leeds Children and Families Directorate consults on post-16 learning transport policy and related issues on an on-going basis with a range of stakeholders including:
12.2 Leeds City Council welcomes comments and feedback with respect to the clarity and accuracy of the content in the Post-16 Transport Policy Statement. You may contact us at and your comments will be considered when we next review this policy statement.
13.1 Although Leeds City Council is obliged to publish its Post-16 Transport Policy Statement by 31 May each year, it may choose at any time to make amendments to the Statement in response to changes to the Children's Transport Policy, legislation, errors, omissions, complaints or to a direction by the Secretary of State.
13.2 Leeds City Council may also make additional arrangements that become necessary as it continues to monitor progress throughout the year.
For detailed information on school bus services, concessionary fares, passes and permits, pre-paid tickets and bus and rail route and timetable information:
Website: WY Metro
Phone: Metroline on 0113 245 7676
Mail: West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Wellington House
40-50 Wellington Street
For enquiries relating to home to school and home to college transport for young people with special educational needs or disabilities:
Website: Leeds City Council School Transport
Mail: Children’s Transport
Assets and Access
Children and Families
Civic Hall
Phone: 0113 535 1990
Adult Social Care help adults who need support to live well. Their website provides details of the services available, from support with advocacy to help for young people moving into adulthood and adult social services.
Website: How to get adult social care and support
Phone: 0113 222 4401 (weekdays 9am to 5pm, Wednesdays from 10am)
A platform developed for students, schools, colleges and employers across Leeds, in partnership with Leeds City Council. Young people aged 16 -19 (or up to 25 with SEND and disabilities) who need some help to get into learning, training or work, can access information related to post-16 and post-18 learning, training and employment opportunities.
Website: Welcome to Leeds LMI
For information about bursaries, additional learning support and more:
Website: Student Services at Askham Bryan College
Phone: 01904 772 277
Website: Student Services at Bradford College
Phone: 01274 088 088
Website: Student Support at Craven College
Phone: 01756 791 411
Website: Student Life and Support at Harrogate College
Phone: 01423 879 466
Website: Welcome to Henshaws Specialist College
Phone: 01423 886 451
Website: Student Life at Leeds City College
Phone: 0113 386 1997
Website: Lighthouse Futures Trust
Phone: 0113 340 0006
Website: Support for Full-time Students at Shipley College
Phone: 01274 327281
Website: Student Services at Swarthmore Education Centre
Phone: 0113 243 2210
Website: Student Support at Wakefield and Castleford College
Phone: Wakefield City Campus: 01924 789 417 / 789 554
Phone: Castleford Campus: 01924 789 874
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