Combined, these documents set out the aims and ambitions for transport within the Leeds District as well as regional interventions which will improve connectivity across West Yorkshire and the rest of the north of England. The documents are also reflective of national transport policy including HS2.
Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy
The Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy (PDF, 12.5MB) sets out our vision for Leeds to be city where you don’t need a car, where everyone has an affordable zero carbon choice in how they travel. The strategy sets out how we plan to tackle the climate emergency, deliver inclusive growth and improve health and wellbeing.
Extensive consultation and engagement on the draft transport strategy, undertaken in early 2021, identified that the strategy was well received in its current form.
We have published an Action Plan to 2024 (PDF, 3.8MB) which sets out measures we are going to develop and deliver over the 3 years from 2021 to 2024. Our actions and deliverables are focused around four themes:
- policy development - measures to encourage behaviour change
- infrastructure delivery - new Infrastructure to support our 6 big moves
- mobility and service – provision of services and mobility solutions, road user training and campaigns
- network management and maintenance - ensuring our networks are maintained and managed to support our 6 big moves
Read more about our 6 big moves
We have 6 big moves which are the priority areas for the strategy, these are:
1. Decarbonising transport
Reducing the need to travel, remode how we travel away from private car use and encouraging the further uptake of Alternative Fuelled vehicles and associate infrastructure.
2. Creating healthier streets, places and communities
Ensuring walking and cycling are the first choice for the shortest trips, creating places and spaces where people want to spend time which are inclusive and accessible to all. By focusing on district and local centres, and ensuring economic growth is within local communities, this will help reduce commuting distances and enable more walkable and cyclable neighbourhoods.
Continue to deliver and develop transformational change in the city centre, from world class gateways to ensuring all modes are integrated, supporting Leeds role as a local, regional and national transport hub.
4. Enhance public transport
Build on the successes we have had in recent years at improving the bus network and working with partners including the newly elected Mayor and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to expand and enhance the offering in the future.
5. New technologies
Thinking about transport differently, encouraging the use of shared transport, paying for transport differently and the use of technologies to improve mobility across the whole city including our outer districts.
6. Deliver a mass transit network
Delivering a low carbon mass transit in Leeds, enhancing the transformational work already going on in the city centre through partnership with the Combined Authority.
The strategy and action plan were both adopted at Executive Board on 20 October 2021. You can view the Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy and Action Plan - decision details.
Leeds Vision Zero 2040 Strategy
For Leeds to be a city where you don’t need a car, roads must be safe for people to walk, scoot, wheel and cycle. Vision Zero is our strategy to cut traffic risk so that no one is killed or seriously injured using the roads. Leeds Vision Zero consists of five key areas of focus that, together, will create a ‘Safe System’ of shared responsibility: Safe People and Behaviours, Safe Speeds, Safe Roads, Safe Vehicles and Post-collision Learning and Care.
The strategy and action plan were both adopted at Executive Board on 21 September 2022. You can read the Leeds Safe Roads Vision Zero 2040 Strategy and Action Plan decision and you can find out more about Vision Zero 2040.
West Yorkshire Transport Strategy 2040
The West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s (WYCA) Transport Strategy 2040 has details of how WYCA and local authorities intend to create a world-class, modern and integrated transport system. The Strategy supports the Leeds City Region Strategic Economic Plan and is focused around six core themes which include:
- inclusive growth, environment, health and wellbeing
- road network
- places to live and work
- one system public transport
- smart futures
- asset management and resilience
The Transport Strategy 2040 replaces the MyJourney West Yorkshire Local Transport Plan. More information on the Transport Strategy and Strategic Economic plan is available on the WYCA website.
Transport for the North – Strategic Transport Plan
Transport for the North have published their Draft Strategic Transport Plan which sets out their aims and ambitions for the next 30 years focusing on inter-city and northern regional interventions. It includes the creation of a Major Road Network for the North, Integrated and Smart Travel and Northern Powerhouse Rail.
Further details, including a copy of the Draft Strategic Transport Plan, can be found on the
Transport for the North website.