Coordinated admission scheme for schools in Leeds 2024 to 2025

This scheme requires inter-authority co-ordination by the local authorities for Leeds, North Yorkshire, Kirklees, Bradford and City of Wakefield.

1. Introduction

The scheme also requires all admission authorities in Leeds to work together closely and to share information as required in line with the agreed timescales.

Where any admitting authority wishes to exceed its published admission number (PAN) for the forthcoming September intake (reception and years 3 and 7) they must notify the Leeds City Council Admissions Team by the date specified in the timetable to allow time for effective coordination and the necessary system changes to be made.

The scheme does not apply to places in a school nursery, sixth form or at a special school (SILC).

1.1 Leeds Admission Authorities

In Leeds there are a number of different admission authorities, as follows:

Type of school

Admission Authority

Voluntary Aided

Governing Body

Voluntary Controlled

Leeds City Council


Leeds City Council


Academy Trust

Foundation Trust

Governing Body

A list of all primary, infant and junior and secondary schools in the Leeds City Council relevant area is provided at 5. This also confirms who the admitting authority for each school is at 31 December 2022 when this scheme was determined. Should any schools adopt foundation status, become academies or free schools their Governing Bodies or Academy Trust will take up responsibility as admission authorities.

Coordination schemes do not affect the rights and duties of admitting authorities of academies, free schools, foundation or voluntary aided schools to set and apply their own admission arrangements, but schools must ensure that their own arrangements are compatible with this coordination scheme.

This coordination scheme is in place to ensure a fair and transparent route for the consideration of parental preferences when allocating school places.

1.2 Right to apply for a school place

As a Local Authority, we must enable parents and carers to say where they would prefer their child go to school. The law does not give parents a right to ‘choose’ which school their child will attend.

Admission Authorities must comply with any preference expressed by a parent or carer about which school they would prefer their child to be educated in, subject to certain exceptions.


The law recognises that it might not be possible to always offer the school place that is requested, for a number of reasons:

  • because admitting the child would prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources (the prejudice limit is indicated by the published admission number);
  • because the child has been permanently excluded from two or more schools and the most recent of the exclusions took place within the last two years;
  • because the school’s statutory infant class size limit of 30 has been reached.

1.3 Synergy

Our admissions team use the Synergy Admissions application as the information system to manage applications and allocations. This provides a portal for applicants (Parent Portal) and a portal for schools (SAM).

The distance measurements provided by the admissions team use LLPG coordinates on each school and residential property. Straight line distance is then measured between the two sets of coordinates using GIS mapping.

Synergy Admissions is populated with any priority or catchment areas determined in each school’s admissions arrangements. Applications are matched to addresses and oversubscription criteria, allowing all schools to identify which priority of their admissions arrangements the application meets when ranking their applications in SAM. 

1.4 Home address, shared care and moving house

Where a child lives can be an important factor in whether they will get into a particular school. We do address checks on behalf of schools to prevent fraudulent applications.

Living in a school's catchment or priority area does not guarantee a child a place at that school, it simply places a child higher up the list of applicants.

We can only use one address for a school place application. Applications must be made using the child’s permanent address. This is the home address of a parent or carer who holds parental responsibility for the child. A child’s permanent address cannot be the address of a relative, friend or childminder as they do not have parental responsibility. For situations where a child lives in shared care between two separated parents - see section 1.4.3 below

We can’t use future addresses that families don’t yet have the legal right to live in (such as where an offer has been accepted on a house purchase or where contracts have been exchanged).

We can make changes to submitted applications because of a subsequent address move for a set period after the national closing date - see section 1.4.4 and 2.7 below.

1.4.1 Evidence of address change 

We need to see documentary evidence of an address change. This is a minimum of 2 documents one from each list below.

To show you have left your previous address send us one of the following:

  • an exit utility bill (gas, electricity, water, landline phone)
  • a completion of sale document
  • a landlord notice to leave

To show you have moved to your new address send us one of the following:

  • tenancy agreement for a rented property
  • house purchase completion (not exchange)

1.4.2 False addresses

 It is a crime to use a false address on a school place application. Examples of a false address include: 

  • pretending to live with a relative or friend, whilst retaining another address
  • renting a property close to a popular school but continuing to live somewhere else
  • renting a property close to a popular school at the time of applying, but moving back home after school starts in September

We may ask families to provide proof of address at any time or to provide additional documents to those listed above. As part of our application checks, we may ask for proof:

  • a child lives permanently at the address they applied from and
  • any previous home address is permanently unavailable for that child to live in

If an application is found to be fraudulent or misleading, we will withdraw the offer of a place, and this can happen even if a child has started at a school.

1.4.3 Shared care 

If there is a shared care arrangement for a child, the family must apply using the address of the parent where the child lives at most of the time. If there is 50/50 shared care, the parents can agree, in writing, which of their 2 addresses to use for the application. It won’t be possible to change the address to be that of the other parent later in the application process.

For applications made in the normal round, both parents must agree on the full school application before it is submitted. Neither a school nor the Local Authority can resolve disputes between parents - only a family court can do this.

If we get more than one application for a child, all applications will be put on hold until we have either:

  • written evidence that both parents agree
  • a Court Order telling us which application to use

If we don’t have either of the above by the deadline date, we will make a placement offer at the closest school to home with a space remaining after all other applications have been considered – see section 2.4. To make this placement offer, we will use the address where the child spends the majority of the school week or if the child spends equal time with each parent, where the child is registered with their doctor at the closing date.

1.4.4 Changes of circumstances after applying, such as moving home

The most common changes that occur after applying are:

  • a completed house move
  • a sibling starting at or leaving a school

Parents/carers must tell us about any changes that take place before a child starts at the school as it could affect the school place offer for the child. Failure to tell us may mean the application is fraudulent or intentionally misleading or the place has been offered based on an error.

Any changes should be notified no later than one month after the change takes place. We may need to see documentary evidence of the change. For applications made in the normal round, requests to make changes must be received by the missed deadline date to be included for national offer day allocations – see sections 2.7 and 4 below.

2. Applications in the Normal Round (to start Reception, Year 3 in Junior school or Year 7 in September 2024)

Parents of children who are resident in Leeds, must apply to us for a school place in Reception, Year 3 in junior schools, or Year 7 in a Leeds school or a school in any other local authority area.

An online application facility will be available during each application period as described in the timetable and there will also be a paper Common Preference Form (CPF) available on request for use for anyone without access to the online system.

Parents will be able to include up to 5 preferences in their order of preference. 

Where other local authorities provide for additional preferences those parents will need to include the preference for a Leeds school as one of their first five preferences to ensure Leeds parents are treated equitably.

All preferences will be considered equally and where more than one offer is possible, the listed order on the application will then be used to decide which single offer is made.

Parents may give their reasons for each preference on application, however only the published oversubscription criteria can be used to rank applications.

We will make appropriate arrangements to ensure:

  1. that parents can apply via the online application system up to the deadline for applications
  2. that the paper CPF is available on request
  3. that the online application system and CPF are accompanied by a written explanation of the co-ordinated scheme and this is available for parents

We will take all reasonable steps to ensure every parent resident in Leeds who has a child due to start reception, transfer from infant school into junior school, or start secondary school can apply online, or access a copy of the CPF.

After the closing date for applications the school admissions team will forward details of the applications to each admission authority within the Leeds area, and to other local authorities if a preference has been made for a school in another area. 

This scheme preserves the powers and responsibilities of individual admission authorities (Governing Bodies or Academy Trusts), who must determine and apply their admissions arrangements to all applications.

Admission authorities are required to inform the Leeds City Council admission team of the ranked order of all applications when they have applied their admissions arrangements by the agreed deadlines.

2.1 Supplementary Information Form (SIF)

All preferences expressed online or on the CPF are valid applications. Where any admission authority requires that additional information is needed for them to rank the application, applicants will be informed of this by the admission authority. These forms can only be used where additional information is required for the admission authority to apply their oversubscription criteria to the application.

A SIF is not an application form in its own right. The applicant is required to submit a preference through the online system or CPF. Where a school chases any applicants for a SIF, they should contact all applicants and not just selected applicants.

2.2 Testing

There are no maintained primary, infant, junior or secondary schools in Leeds that require an applicant child to pass a test in order to gain admission.

Aptitude priority

Three Leeds secondary Academies (Cockburn School, Leeds West Academy and Rodillian Academy) offer a priority based on aptitude in sports or performing arts. This priority is limited to 10% of the school’s places (published admission number). Each admission authority publishes their own information about the assessment arrangements. Where an applicant attends the assessment and is granted aptitude priority, this will mean the application will be prioritised for a place, but the school cannot guarantee a child will be made an offer of a place. There may be more applicants who pass the assessment than places available under the priority. Applicants would also be considered under all other admission criteria for that School. 

2.3 The application process

Our online parent portal is the main route for all Leeds residents applying for new Reception, junior school or Year 7 place. Our website works as an online composite prospectus. Paper copies of the prospectus and the application form are available on request.

If a school receives a paper application form directly, the school should:

  • Gather in the completed forms and issue the parent a receipt
  • Check them for factual detail
  • Offer advice to the parent if the parent has misunderstood some aspect of the procedure
  • Send the forms by email to the LA, keeping a record of all forms sent before the deadline
  • Advise the parent of a child from another local authority to contact that local authority to apply

If a child lives in another local authority area but would like to apply for a Leeds school place, they should apply to their home local authority and include their preference for the Leeds school(s). The home local authority will send the preference(s) to us and we will ensure the application is ranked by the appropriate admitting authority and then notify the home local authority whether an offer can be made. The home local authority will undertake its allocation process and communicate the offer to the applicant.

After the closing date, we will undertake a range of verification processes including:

  • Address checks
  • Child Looked After claims checks
  • Education Health and Care Plan checks
  • Make decisions on exceptional social need requests for Leeds community and voluntary controlled schools

Applicants may be contacted and asked to provide further information to support their application. Information must be provided by the final date for verification evidence (see timetable) to be considered for allocations made on offer day

Verified claims will be visible in SAM but school admission authorities retain the duty for checking that any applicant claims have been verified prior to ranking.

2.4 Allocation of places

This scheme ensures that each child only receives one single offer and that each preference is considered equally.

Where multiple offers are possible for any child, we will refer to the preference list on the child’s application and allocate the highest ranked school possible. 

We will only make a decision about the offer or refusal of a place where:

  1. we are acting in our separate capacity as an admission authority, or
  2. a child is eligible for a place at more than one Leeds school, or
  3. a child is not eligible for a place at any school that the parent has listed and the child lives in Leeds – we will make a placement offer (see below).

We will notify all admitting authority schools of all applications they have received, via the SAM module. Each application will be recorded with a straight line distance measurement from the school using the defined LLPG coordinates. Schools are required to review and rank each application in line with their published oversubscription criteria by the published deadlines (see timetable).

If we cannot offer parents or carers a place for their child at any of the schools they preferenced, a place will be allocated at the closest school that has places available at the time of making the offers. This is called a placement offer. A placement offer can be made at any school with a vacancy available, including Voluntary Aided, Foundation schools or Academies.

Where the child does not live in Leeds, the home local authority is responsible for their education and allocating an alternative offer.

We will notify all admission authorities in the relevant area of the offers to be made at their school by the deadline in this scheme.

We will endeavour to work with other local authorities so that only a single offer is made and we will notify the home local authority if a place is to be offered or not by the deadline in this scheme. The home local authority will make offers on behalf of Leeds to applicants living outside of Leeds.

2.5 The offer of a place

Parents will be notified by us that they are being offered a place at an allocated school on national offer day - see the timetable for confirmation of dates.

The offer will give the following information:

  • The name of the school at which a place is offered;
  • Where applicable, the reasons why the child is not being offered a place at each of their higher preference schools asked for;
  • Information about their statutory right of appeal against any decisions to refuse places at the other nominated schools;

Parents offered a Community or Voluntary Controlled school will be required to accept the offer of a school place by the date specified in the timetable and offer information. All other schools within Leeds and schools in other LAs may also require parents to accept the offered school by a specified date. 

Failure to accept the place by the deadline may result in the place being withdrawn and offered to another applicant.

Until the start of term in September, we have a legal obligation to coordinate normal round admissions. This means that only the Leeds City Council Admissions team can allocate places for September in reception, year 3 (Junior schools) and year 7.

2.6 Waiting lists

A waiting list for all schools will be maintained until at least 31 December 2024. For community and voluntary controlled schools the waiting list will remain open until the end of the June 2025.

From July, parents will be able to make a new in-year application for a school place in the next school year. New applications will have a new right of appeal if the application is refused. Any parent seeking a place for July, will apply in the new school year-round.

Between offer day and the first day of term in September 2024, only the Leeds City Council Admissions Team can allocate and offer places in the normal round.

Waiting lists must be held in line with the published oversubscription criteria. Waiting lists must be ranked whenever a child is added to the list, and places cannot be offered on a first come first served basis.

Voluntary Aided, Foundation School and Academies will describe in their admissions arrangements when their waiting lists will close.

2.7 Applications received or amended after the closing date and the LA role in coordination

The national closing date for applications to be received in school, directly to the local authority or online in the normal admission round is:

31 October 2023 for Year 7 (Secondary School)

15 January 2024 for Reception (Infant and Primary) and Year 3 (Junior School)

After these national dates, the following dates apply to applications made to Leeds Local Authority. Other Local Authorities may use different dates and may have different restrictions on changing a submitted application. 

Cut-off date

Applications received or changed within 4 weeks of the national closing date will be considered as on-time applications, unless a school’s individual admission policy expressly prohibits this.

After cut-off date

Any applications received or changed after the 4 week cut-off date until missed deadline date will only be considered after on-time applications, unless there are significant or exceptional reasons for the application missing the deadline, submitted in writing, which have been agreed by us. Cases are considered individually.

After missed deadline date

Any applications received or changed after this date will only be considered after national offer day. These are called late applications. Offers will be made at the first reallocation from waiting list requests.

After national offer day, changes can be made to applications for Leeds schools, including adding new preferences and changing the preference order. All applications will be ranked in the same way as on-time applications after offer day.

Missed deadline/Verification date

If after applying,

  • families move house and need to update their application or provide new preferences, or
  • if we, as local authority, contact families asking for additional information to allow us to verify the applicant qualifies for a specific priority,

Parents must provide the requested evidence to us by the verification date (see timetable). 

Any late supplementary information forms (SIF) must be sent to the school directly as without the SIF it will not be possible for the application to be ranked under the requested criteria.

Between offer day and the start of term in September when applications become in-year (see section 3 below), the Local Authority has a legal obligation to coordinate normal round admissions. This means that only the Leeds City Council Admissions team can allocate and make offers of places for Leeds schools in reception, year 3 at Junior school and year 7 for child who start in September.

3. School transfer (In year) applications

Outside the normal admissions round, applications for a school place are known as in-year transfers. This includes applications for a place in reception, year 3 at Junior schools or year 7 after the start of term in September and applications for a place in all other year groups.

There is no coordinated application process for in-year applications in Leeds. The Local Authority does not make in-year offers for any schools. In-year decisions, including offers, are made by schools individually. Any in-year applications for a school outside Leeds would need to be made to the Local Authority the school is based in.

Leeds City Council will publish information on its website by 31 August 2024 to explain how in-year applications for 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2025 can be made. 

4. Normal Round Admissions Timetable 2024/2025 for all Leeds schools

  Primary Junior Secondary

Entry year group


Junior Y3

Year 7

Birth range

1 September 2019 to

31 August 2020

1 September 2016 to

31 August 2017

1 September 2012 to

31 August 2013

Application window opens

1 November 2023

1 September 2023

National closing date for applications

Monday 15 January 2024

Tuesday 31 October 2023

Cut-off date

for on time applications

Monday 12 February 2024

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Final deadline for naming school in EHCP

15 February 2024

15 February 2024

Missed deadline/ verification

Final date for receipt of applications, change of address evidence and responses to LA verification queries. 

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Sunday 31 December 2023

Exchange of applications with other Local Authorities

Wednesday 6 March

Monday 8 January

Unranked preferences shared with all admitting authorities in Leeds (via SAM)

Wednesday 6 March

Monday 8 January

Schools reopen on 8 January

Admitting Authority schools final ranking deadline

Wednesday 13 March

Friday 12 January

Deadline for admitting authority schools to confirm any intention to admit over PAN

Monday 25 March

Friday 26 January

Offers exchanged between Leeds and neighbouring LAs

15 to 22 March

22 to 26 January

Final run by Leeds LA

Wednesday 27 March

Monday 5 February

Final exchange of confirmed offers with other LAs

Thursday 4 April

Monday 12 February

Offer day

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Friday 1 March 2024

First cut off for waiting list requests and for acceptance of offers

Midnight on

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Midnight on

Friday 15 March 2024

Schools to rank new waiting list requests

7 to 9 May

26 to 28 March

First reallocation of any vacant places via waiting lists

13 to 15 May

2 to 5 April

Weekly reallocation of any vacant places via waiting lists under LA coordination

Requests to go on list must be received by 5pm on a Friday. Schools will rank applications on a Tuesday. We complete reallocation by the end of the week. Families notified in writing of any new school offer. This reallocation process continues until start of term in September

*Weekly reallocation may not take place during school holidays

Any appeal should be received by this date

14 May 2024

28 March 2024

Appeals received on-time should be considered by this date (40 school days)

15 July 2024

17 June 2024

Pupils start in school

September 2024

5. List of all schools in Leeds area as at 31 December 2022

Primary & Junior School name

Age Range

School Type

Admitting authority

Aberford C of E VC Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

Adel Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Adel St John The Baptist C of E Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

All Saint’s Richmond Hill C of E Primary School

3 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Allerton Bywater Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Allerton C of E Primary School

2 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

Alwoodley Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Alder Tree Primary Academy (formerly Mill Field Primary)

3 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Armley Park Primary School

3 to 11

Academy sponsor led

Academy Trust

Ashfield Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Asquith Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Austhorpe Primary School

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Bankside Primary School

2 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Bardsey Primary School

5 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Barwick-in-Elmet C of E Primary School

3 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

Beechwood Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Beecroft Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Beeston Hill St. Luke’s C of E Primary School

3 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Beeston Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Birchfield Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Blackgates Primary Academy

2 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Blenheim Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Bracken Edge Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Bramham Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Bramhope Primary School

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Bramley Park Academy

3 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Bramley St. Peters C of E Primary School

3 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Broadgate Primary school

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Brodetsky Primary School

2 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Brudenell Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Burley St Matthias C of E Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

Calverley C of E Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Calverley Parkside Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Carlton Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Carr Manor Community School – all through school 

4 to 19

Foundation School

Governing Body

Castleton Primary School

2 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Chapel Allerton Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Christ Church Upper Armley C of E Primary School

4 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Christ the King Catholic Primary School

4 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Churwell Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Clapgate Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Co-Op Academy Beckfield

3 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Co-Op Academy Brownhill

3 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Co-Op Academy Nightingale

4 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Co-Op Academy Oakwood

3 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Co-Op Academy Woodlands

3 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Cobden Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Coburn Haigh Road Academy, Rothwell 

3 to 7

Academy Sponsor led

Academy Trust

Collingham Lady Elizabeth Hastings’ C of E Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Colton Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Cookridge Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Cookridge Primary School

4 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Cottingley Primary Academy

3 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Cross Gates Primary School

2 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Crossley Street Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Deighton Gates Primary School, Wetherby

4 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Dixons Trinity Chapeltown – all through school

4 to 16

Free School

Academy Trust

Drighlington Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

East Ardsley Primary Academy

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

East Garforth Primary Academy

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Ebor Gardens Primary Academy

3 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Elements Primary Free School

4 to 11

Free School

Academy Trust

Farsley Farfield Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Farsley Springbank Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Farsley Westroyd Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Fieldhead Carr Primary School

2 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Five Lanes Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Fountain Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Gildersome Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Gledhow Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Grange Farm Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Great Preston C of E VC Primary School

3 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

Green Lane Primary Academy

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Greenhill Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Greenmount Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Greenside Primary school

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Grimes Dyke Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Guiseley Primary School

2 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Harehills Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Harewood C of E Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

Hawksworth C of E Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Hawksworth Wood Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Highfield Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Hill Top Primary Academy

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Hillcrest Academy

3 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Hollybush Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Holy Family Catholic Primary School, New Wortley

3 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Holy Name Catholic Voluntary Academy

4 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Holy Rosary & St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Holy Trinity C of E Academy, Rothwell

4 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Horsforth Featherbank Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Horsforth Newlaithes Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Hovingham Primary School

2 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Hugh Gaitskell Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Hunslet Carr Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Hunslet Moor Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Primary School

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Ingram Road Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Ireland Wood Primary School

4 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Iveson Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Kerr Mackie Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Kippax Ash Tree Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Kippax Greenfield Primary School

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Kippax North Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Kirkstall St Stephen’s C of E Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Kirkstall Valley Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Lady E Hastings C of E Primary School, Ledston

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Lady Elizabeth Hastings’ C of E Primary School, Thorp Arch

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Lane End Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Lawns Park Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Little London Community Primary School

4 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Low Road Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Lower Wortley Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Lowtown Primary School, Pudsey

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Manor Wood Primary School

2 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Manston Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Manston St James Primary Academy

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Meadowfield Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Meanwood C of E Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Methley Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Micklefield C of E Primary Academy

2 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Middleton Primary School

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Middleton St Marys C of E VC Primary School

3 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

Moor Allerton Hall Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Moortown Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Morley Newlands Academy

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Morley Victoria Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

New Bewerley Community School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Ninelands Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Otley All Saints C of E Primary School

3 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

Otley the Whartons Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Oulton Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary School

3 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Park Spring Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Park View Primary Academy

3 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Parklands Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Pool-In-Wharfedale C of E VC Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

Primley Wood Primary School

4 to 11

Academy/Free School

Academy Trust

Primrose Lane Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Pudsey Bolton Royd Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Pudsey Primrose Hill Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Pudsey Waterloo Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Quarry Mount Primary School

4 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Queensway Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Rawdon Littlemoor Primary School

4 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Rawdon St. Peters C of E VC Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

Raynville Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Richmond Hill Academy

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Robin Hood Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Rosebank Primary School

2 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Rothwell Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Rothwell St Mary’s RC Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Roundhay School – all through school

4 to 18

Community School

Leeds City Council

Roundhay St Johns C of E Primary School

3 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Rufford Park Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Ryecroft Academy

4 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Scholes (Elmet) Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Seacroft Grange Primary School

4 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Seven Hills Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Shadwell Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Shakespeare Primary School

2 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Sharp Lane Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Shire Oak VC Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

Southroyd Primary & Nursery School

2 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Spring Bank Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School, a Voluntary Academy

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

St. Anthony’s Catholic Primary School, Beeston

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

St Bartholomew's C of E VC Primary School

3 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

St Benedict's Catholic Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

St Chad's C of E Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

St Edward's Catholic Primary School, Boston Spa

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

St Francis Catholic Primary School, Morley

3 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Academy, Beeston

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

St James' C of E VC Primary School, Wetherby

3 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Hunslet

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Otley

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Pudsey

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Wetherby

3 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

St Margaret's C of E VC Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

St Mary's C of E VC Primary School, Boston Spa

4 to 11

Voluntary Controlled School

Leeds City Council

St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Horsforth

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

St Marys C of E Primary Academy, Hunslet

4 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

St Matthew's C of E VA Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

St Nicholas Catholic Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

St Oswald's C of E Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

St Patrick Catholic Primary School

4 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

St Paul’s Catholic Primary School

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

St Peter's C of E Primary School, Leeds

3 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

St Philip's Catholic Primary School

3 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

St Theresa’s Catholic Primary School

3 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

St Urban's Catholic Primary School

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Stanningley Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Strawberry Fields Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Summerfield Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Swarcliffe Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Swillington Primary Academy

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Swinnow Primary School

2 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Talbot Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Temple Learning Academy- all through school

4 to 16

Free School

Academy Trust

Templenewsam Halton Primary School

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Thorner Church of England Primary School

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Thorpe Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Tranmere Park Primary School

4 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Valley View Community Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Victoria Junior School, Rothwell

7 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Victoria Primary Academy

3 to 11

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Weetwood Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

West End Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Westbrook Lane Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Westerton Primary Academy

3 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Westgate Primary School, Otley

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Westwood Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Whingate Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Whinmoor St Paul's C of E Primary School

3 to 11

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

White Laith Primary School

3 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body

Whitecote Primary School

2 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Whitkirk Primary School

4 to 11

Academy Converter

Academy Trust

Wigton Moor Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Windmill Primary School

4 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Woodlesford Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Wykebeck Primary School

3 to 11

Community School

Leeds City Council

Yeadon Westfield Infant School

3 to 7

Foundation School

Governing Body

Yeadon Westfield Junior School

7 to 11

Foundation School

Governing Body


Secondary School name

Age Range

School Type

Admitting authority

Abbey Grange Church of England Academy

11 to 18

Academy Convertor

Academy Trust

Allerton Grange School

11 to 18

Community School

Leeds City Council

Allerton High School

11 to 18

Community School

Leeds City Council

Benton Park School

11 to 18

Community School

Leeds City Council

Bishop Young Church of England Academy

11 to 16

Academy sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Boston Spa School

11 to 18

Academy Convertor

Academy Trust

Brigshaw High School

11 to 18


Academy Trust

Bruntcliffe Academy

11 to 16

Academy Convertor

Academy Trust

Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School

11 to 16

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Carr Manor Community School – all through school 

4 to 19

Foundation school

Governing Body

Cockburn School

11 to 16

Academy Convertor

Academy Trust

Cockburn John Charles Academy

11 to 18

Academy Convertor

Academy Trust

Cockburn Laurence Calvert Academy

11 to 16

Free School/ Academy

Academy Trust

Co-op Academy Leeds

11 to 18

Academy sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Co-op Academy Priesthorpe

11 to 18

Academy sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Corpus Christi Catholic College

11 to 16

Academy Convertor

Academy Trust

Crawshaw Academy

11 to 18

Academy sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Dixons Trinity Chapeltown – all through school

4 to 16

Free School / Academy

Academy Trust

Dixons Unity Academy

11 to 18

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Garforth Academy

11 to 18

Academy Convertor

Academy Trust

Guiseley School

11 to 18

Foundation School

Governing Body

Horsforth School

11 to 18

Academy Convertor

Academy Trust

Lawnswood School

11 to 18

Community School

Leeds City Council

Leeds City Academy

11 to 16

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Leeds East Academy

11 to 16

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Leeds Jewish Free School

11 to 18

Free School / Academy

Academy Trust

Leeds West Academy

11 to 16

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

Mount St. Marys Catholic High School

11 to 16

Voluntary Aided School

Governing Body

Otley Prince Henry's Grammar School

11 to 18

Academy Convertor

Academy Trust

Pudsey Grammar School (formerly Pudsey Grangefield)

11 to 18

Foundation School

Governing Body

Ralph Thoresby High School

11 to 18

Foundation School

Governing Body

Roundhay School – all through school

4 to 18

Community School

Leeds City Council

Royds Academy

11 to 18

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

St Marys Menston, a Catholic Voluntary Academy

11 to 18

Academy Convertor

Academy Trust

Temple Moor High School

11 to 18

Academy Convertor

Academy Trust

The Farnley Academy

11 to 16

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

The John Smeaton Academy

11 to 18

Academy Sponsor Led

Academy Trust

The Morley Academy

11 to 16

Academy Convertor

Academy Trust

The Rodillian Academy

11 to 18

Academy Convertor

Academy Trust

The Ruth Gorse Academy

11 to 18

Free School / Academy

Academy Trust

The Temple Learning Academy

4 to 16

Free School / Academy

Academy Trust

Trinity Academy Leeds

11 to 16

Free School/ Academy

Academy Trust

UTC Leeds

14 to 18

University Technical College

Academy Trust

Wetherby High School

11 to 18

Foundation School

Governing Body

Woodkirk Academy

11 to 18

Academy Convertor

Academy Trust