Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is a technical study which sets out whether there is a deliverable supply of land for five years’ worth of housing. This is known as the five year housing land supply.

The 2024 report has been prepared with involvement of agents, landowners and promoters of sites to comment upon the availability and achievability of each site.

Preparation of a SHLAA is a requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework. It is not the purpose of the SHLAA to allocate land for development - this is undertaken through the preparation of the Local Plan.

Suggestions for new SHLAA sites

Anyone can make a suggestion for a new SHLAA site. A suggestion can be made at any time, which will be considered at the next SHLAA update.

To suggest a new site, download, complete and return the submission form. A guidance note is available to help you.

SHLAA and neighbourhood planning

The SHLAA provides a source of information about potential housing land for those engaged in neighbourhood planning. However, if neighbourhood forums or Parish Councils consider that other pieces of land would be appropriate for housing development, such land can still be suggested and included through one of the SHLAA annual updates.

View an interactive map of the Leeds SHLAA

SHLAA documents