Leeds Brownfield Land Register

The Brownfield Land Register is a map of sites in Leeds with planning permission in principle to allow developers to build new homes.

Brownfield land has previously been used for commercial or residential development and is no longer in use. It is now available for redevelopment. The register of these sites will help house builders find suitable sites quickly and speed up the construction of new homes. There is currently land available on the register with the capacity to build over 30,000 new homes.

Some brownfield sites may have previous contamination from industrial use, however this does not need to be a barrier to redevelopment. Find out more about developing sites on contaminated land.

The register is available to view as a map or to download as a list from the Data Mill North Brownfield Land Register

View the map of brownfield sites

Adding sites to the register

If you would like to submit a site to be added to the register, send details of the location and availability of the site including an outline plan to brownfieldlandregister@leeds.gov.uk.

The sites must be previously developed and able to accommodate five or more houses or be at least 0.25 hectares in size.

We then decide which sites to include on the register based on the housing growth ambitions of the Core Strategy and Site Allocations Plan.