Field 4381, Warren Lane public inquiry

On 20 May 2025 the Planning Inspectorate will open its Public Inquiry for the Planning Application:

Installation of a battery energy storage system, including associated infrastructure, landscaping works and access

Planning application reference: 23/04572/FU

Planning Inspectorate reference: APP/N4720/W/24/3355821

It is to be noted that the council no longer contests the remaining reasons for refusal which are to be treated as withdrawn for the purposes of this appeal.

In doing so, the council has confirmed to the Planning Inspectorate that: 

  1. The council will no longer provide oral evidence to the Inquiry.
  2. The council's Proofs of Evidence are treated as withdrawn.
  3. The Reasons for Refusal relating to the planning application are all to be treated as withdrawn and will not be contested.
  4. There will be no cross examination of the Appellant's witnesses.

All documentation and application-related plans are available on Public Access.

If you have problems viewing the content in the documents, email with 'Warren Lane' in the subject line.