Landlords and letting agents

Report a change of tenancy

Tell us if someone has moved in or out of a property so we can charge the right people for council tax.

What you will need to tell us

You will need to tell us:

  • the property address
  • the names of your tenants, including their title
  • the start and/or end dates for the tenancy
  • if the property is a furnished, part furnished or unfurnished let
  • landlord details and lettings agents details

If your property is used for commercial purposes, you should contact us about business rates.

Report a change in tenancy online

If you are reporting one change

Use the forms below to let us know if tenants are moving in or out of your property so we can charge the right people for council tax.

Report a change in tenancy for one propertyExternal link

If you are reporting multiple changes

If you need to report multiple changes using the bulk upload facility, you must upload your tenant information in an Excel document.

Please do not use this form to upload a single tenancy agreement or information relating to a single change. By using the correct form for single tenancy changes, we can use automation to process the change. In most cases, this means the information is updated faster.

Any documents which are not Excel spreadsheets relating to multiple changes cannot be processed via this form and the information will not be registered.

Report a change in tenancy for multiple propertiesExternal link

If you want a letting agent to manage council tax for your property

If your property is managed by a letting agent or property manager, you can give them permission to:

  • discuss the council tax for your property
  • deal with bills for periods where your property is empty

This would need to be put in writing to Council Tax, Leeds City Council, PO BOX 911, Leeds, LS1 9WJ and the following information would need to be provided:

  • your name, address, contact number and email address
  • your property address or addresses
  • your agents name, address, contact number and email address
  • if you want your bills to be sent to the agents
  • confirmation you are giving us permission to discuss your council tax accounts with your agents

Use this form to give us your comments. Do not use it to give us personal information - please contact us if you need to get in touch.