PO Box 911
How to appeal a decision we have made about your Council Tax Support claim.
If you do not agree with our decision about your Council Tax Support, you can write to us and ask us to look at your claim again.
We will reply and let you know our second decision. This can take up to two months.
If you don't agree with our second decision, you can appeal to the Valuation Tribunal Service (VTS).
You need to appeal within two months of getting our reply.
If you don't hear back from us within two months, you can appeal to the VTS. You need to appeal within four months of the date you wrote to us.
If you claim or have claimed Universal Credit we make decisions in line with the Council Tax Support Scheme (Universal Credit), unless you, or your partner if you have one, has reached the age for State Pension Credit.
If you have not claimed Universal Credit, or you or your partner if you have one, has reached the age for State Pension Credit, we make decisions in line with the Local Council Tax Support Scheme, which is available on request.
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