Getting your voice heard

Share your views and experiences to make sure that the services we and others provide can meet your needs.

Have your say in plans and meetings

You have a right to be involved in all decisions affecting your life and this includes having your voice heard in meetings and plans about you. 

Your personal advisor will support you to attend meetings, have your say, and understand the outcome.

Advocacy support

Advocacy is when someone listens to what you are saying and makes sure your voice is heard.

An advocate can support you to ensure you are informed of your rights and are involved in decision making which affects you. They can give advice and information, help you have your say in decisions that affect you, get answers to your questions, help you to sort out problems or make a complaint. 

If you are a care leaver up to age 25 years and require independent advocacy, information, advice and support, you can contact the Leeds Children’s Right Service through Barnardo's.

Leeds promise

The have a voice council have worked with senior leaders to develop our Leeds promise. Find our promises to support you in many different aspects of your life, and how to speak up about them. 

We want you to let us know if: 

  • we have not kept any of our promises to you
  • you’re unhappy with the support we’ve given you
  • you want to recognise and praise someone who has supported you 

As a first step, always speak to someone who can make a difference, like your social worker, Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO), carer or PA. If you want to take things further, you can complete the care promise feedback form online.

Complaints and compliments

You have a right to complain if you are not happy with a service you have received from Leeds City Council. If you’ve had a positive experience, we would love to hear your compliments too.

Find out how to feedback to children's services.

Having your say about services for care leavers

The care leavers council is a group of young people aged 17 to 25 who meet regularly and work together to improve the services care leavers receive from Leeds City Council and other agencies. 

It’s a great way to meet other care leavers, share your views and experiences, and work together on important campaigns and projects. 

We also have a Hub Development Group who work together to plan the services and support available in our Hub. 

Ask your PA if you would like to join either group.

Getting your voice heard through elections

From the age of 18 you will have the right to vote and will need to register. This also makes it easier to do other things such as applying for housing, your passport or a bank account. 

If you need support with this speak to your personal advisor. Find out about your rights when you are leaving care.

Contact us

If you have any questions or want to find out more about voice opportunities, you can get in touch with the Leeds voice, influence and change team.


07712 214 393
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