Find out how and where to recycle your electricals.
How to recycle your electricals
You can recycle everything with a plug, battery or cable at an electricals bank.
Please don’t put electrical items in your black bin.
Lightbulbs and batteries will need to be recycled separately.
Where to recycle electricals
You can find all the places you can recycle electricals on this
We have local bring banks for small household electricals including:
- phones
- laptops
- toasters
- irons
- hairdryers
- cables
- vapes or e-cigarettes
Lightbulbs or anything bigger than above can be recycled at a recycling centre. Most shops and supermarkets have battery recycling in store.
What happens to electrical items
Electricals are sent for recycling so the critical rare metals they contain (gold, silver, palladium and copper) can be used again in new electronic devices.
It’s your responsibility to remove personal data from electronics. Please read the advice on how to do so from
Information Commissioners Office.