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Notice of Election Leeds City Council – Farnley & Wortley ward
Tom Riordan
Returning Officer
Dated: Thursday 5 September 2024
Electoral Services, 4th Floor West, Civic Hall, Leeds LS1 1UR
Tel: 0113 378 4419 Email:
Event | Deadline | Date |
Publication of Notice of Election | Midnight | Thursday 5 September 2024 |
Receipt of Nominations | 4pm | Friday 13 September 2024 |
Withdrawl of Candidate | 4pm | Friday 13 September 2024 |
Appointment of Election Agents | 4pm | Friday 13 September 2024 |
Publication of Notice of Election Agents | 4pm | Friday 13 September 2024 |
Publication of Statements of Persons Nominated | 4pm | Monday 16 September 2024 |
Last Date for Registration | Midnight | Tuesday 24 September 2024 |
Receipt of Postal Vote Applications | 5pm | Wednesday 25 September 2024 |
Last day for Voter Authority Certificates | 5pm | Wednesday 2 October 2024 |
Publication of Notice of Poll | Midnight | Wednesday 2 October 2024 |
Receipt of Proxy Vote Applications | 5pm | Wednesday 2 October 2024 |
Appointment of Poll and Count Agents | Midnight | Thursday 3 October 2024 |
First Day to Issue Replacement Lost Postal Ballot Papers | Midnight | Friday 4 October 2024 |
Last Day to Issue Replacement Spoilt or Lost Postal Ballot Papers | 5pm | Thursday 10 October 2024 |
Receipt of Emergency Proxy Vote Applications | 5pm | Thursday 10 October 2024 |
Day of Poll | 7am to 10pm | Thursday 10 October 2024 |
Return of Election Expenses | Midnight | Thursday 14 November 2024 |
Dated Friday 30 August 2024
We request that all parties and candidates/agents observe this code to avoid complaints associated with displaying posters/signs near polling stations on polling day.
Any instances of a breach of this code should be reported to the Returning Officer by contacting Electoral Services on 0113 378 4419 or emailing
Tom Riordan Returning Officer
Any queries on these conditions or complaints should be made to:
Election posters/material will only be allowed on Leeds Street lighting columns subject to the following conditions.
You are also reminded that whilst you need to make the electorate aware that you are standing for election or are campaigning in the elections, voters expect you to take a responsible approach to this advertising.
1. You may erect posters on street lighting columns (lamp posts), which are under the direct control of the Council only.
2. Posters must not be erected prior to 14 days before the election and must be removed within 14 days of the election or sooner if possible.
3. The Council must be indemnified against any claims arising out of the erection, display, or removal of posters or as a consequence of the erection of posters.
4. You and the person erecting the poster(s) must ensure that the method of access to be used by them is appropriate for the site conditions.
5. Posters are not to be erected within 40 metres of road junctions, roundabouts, traffic signals and pedestrian crossings.
6. The posters must not interfere with any sight lines.
7. Posters will not be erected so as to obscure posters previously erected by opposition parties
8. Posters are not to be erected on a lamp column where a regulatory direction or warning sign is attached.
9. Posters must have at least 2.1m clearance above ground level where they are above a footpath or 2.5m above a cycle way.
10. Posters should be pasted to or printed on “COREX” corrugated plastic (or similar material), which is sturdy and re-usable, but light enough not to cause injury.
11. Posters should be no larger than A3 size (approximately 42cm x 30cm).
12. Posters must be attached to the columns with plastic cable ties.
13. Posters causing a safety hazard or wrongly displayed may be removed by the Authority and the cost of carrying out the removal maybe charged to the candidate. Removed posters will be disposed of as waste.
14. It should be noted that if a column on which a poster has been placed needs to be replaced for maintenance reasons the Authority will not replace that poster.
15. On any street furniture belonging to others (e.g., BT poles, Virgin Media Comms boxes etc.) and trees within the highway. Note in relation to trees, for the purposes of this document, the Highway includes footpaths and grass verges adjacent to the Highway.
16. On any Highways Authority apparatus including traffic signs and signals, barrier rails, bridges, and structures.
17. All candidates seeking election may, without specific authority, erect election posters on vacant land under the direct control of the Council and not forming part of any tenancy, lease, licence, or other interest granted by the Council.
18. Posters on grass verges should only be fixed using a small wooden stake that can easily and quickly be pushed into the ground and subsequently removed. No part of the posters should be nearer than 0.5 metres to the face of the kerb.
19. As with street lighting columns, posters on grass verges should not be fixed prior to 14 days before the election and all posters must be removed within 14 days of the election or sooner if possible.
20. The Council must be indemnified against any claims arising out of the erection of posters.
21. Posters can only be erected on grass verges and must not be affixed to any trees by any method other than the circumstances described in sections 28 and 29 below.
22. Posters not to be erected near road junctions, on roundabouts or on cross over points on dual carriageways and must be kept at least 40 metres back from any such junction. A junction is any meeting of roads where a driver has to make a manoeuvre or carry straight on.
23. The posters must not interfere with any sight lines and must not be erected so as to obscure posters previously erected by opposition parties.
24. No posters to go on Highway Authority apparatus including traffic signs and signals, barrier rails, bridges, and structures.
25. Posters not complying with these standard conditions may be removed and the cost of carrying out the removal may be charged to the candidate. Any posters which are removed will be disposed of as waste.
Election Posters/Materials on private buildings/property will only be allowed subject to the following conditions:
26. All election posters/materials fixed on private buildings or property will require the consent of the owner and the method of fixing etc. agreed.
27. Any election posters/material should not cause a danger or nuisance to the public including users of the highway.
28. Election posters/materials will only be allowed on trees on private land subject to the following conditions:
28 .All election posters/materials fixed on private property will require the consent of the owner(s) and the method of fixing, etc. agreed.
29. If any posters are to be displayed on trees on private land, they must not be nailed to them, but fixed loosely to the trunks with plastic cable ties to avoid any damage and prevent any action by the Council for wilful damage to trees, particularly those under Tree Preservation Orders.
30. No information supporting a candidate or party is allowed within or attached to any Council building, for example schools, libraries, community centres etc.
31. Posters or material that might be construed as supporting the views of any of the campaigners involved in the elections must not be displayed in the polling station or on the premises.
Outside of elections the display of placards on highways and street furniture is strictly limited and tightly controlled under Highways and Planning legislation. Significant breaches can be a criminal offence and result in prosecution with the prospect of a fine and criminal record.
This is because uncontrolled placards and advertising detract from the social fabric of the city in the following ways:
It’s important that the Council supports a democratic election process and at the same time maintains political neutrality. As such these conditions have been drawn up to help achieve these outcomes whilst at the same time maintaining sensible controls.
The Council's first step will be to contact the candidate (or their election agent if appointed) to explain the problem and give 48 hours to remove the offending poster/placard. If the poster/placard is not removed and is on council property/land, the Council will remove it as soon as resources allow and may seek to recover costs from the candidate.
If the poster/placard presents an immediate danger to public safety the Council reserves the right to remove without prior notification.
All removed posters/placards will be disposed of as waste
In particularly serious cases where a poster/placard is not removed when requested and continues to breach guidance, this may be considered as flyposting. Formal legal action may be pursued if such action is deemed in the public interest. This could involve taking legal proceedings against the beneficiary (i.e., the candidate) under Section 224(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
In the event of a query or complaint, please contact:
Cleaner Neighbourhoods Team
Phone 0113 378 5955
The following people have been or stand nominated for election. There is one vacancy for a Councillor. Those who no longer stand nominated have a comment in the right hand column.
Candidate name | *Address of candidate | Description of candidate | Reason why candidate no longer nominated |
Allison, Peter Edward | 462 Tong Road, Farnley, Leeds, LS12 5AU | Independent | |
Andrews, Peter Richard | 2 Whingate Avenue, Leeds, LS12 3RE | Liberal Democrats |
Blackburn, David | 9 Cobden Grove, Farnley, Leeds, LS12 5PA | Green Party | |
Dresser, David Stephen | (address in Leeds) | Reform UK | |
Garthwaite, Al | (address in Leeds) | Labour Party | |
Riley, Richard | 54 Cross Flatts Crescent, Leeds, LS11 7JP | Social Democratic Party | |
Suryawanshi, Lalit | 3 Winders Dale, Morley, Leeds, LS27 9TH | The Conservative Party Candidate |
*In England, if a candidate has requested not to make their home address public, the relevant electoral area in which their home address is situated (or country if their address is outside the UK) will be provided.
Tom Riordan
Returning Officer
Friday 13 September 2024
Printed and published by the Returning Officer, Electoral Services, 4th Floor West, Civic Hall, Leeds LS1 1UR
Local elections were held on Thursday 2 May 2024.
You can find out:
You can view the current political composition of Leeds City Council.
Every Leeds City Council ward is represented by three councillors who are each elected to serve a 4 year term. Their terms are staggered so that we only select one councillor in each local election. This system is called voting by thirds because a third of councillors are elected each year, over a four year cycle. Due to this, once every four years, there are no local elections. This is called a fallow year. The next fallow year in Leeds will be 2025.
In 2018 we elected 3 councillors in each ward. This is because the ward boundaries had been independently reviewed to reflect changes in population and ensure each ward contains a similar amount of electors. It is likely there won’t be another ward boundary review in Leeds for around 15 years.
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