Find out what support children and young people with a vision impairment can receive.
How we can help
The Visual Impairment Team (VIT) work with schools and families to help children aged 0 to 25 years old, with a visual impairment.
They provide support from the time of diagnosis, to when a child leaves school or college. This can take place at home, in an early year setting or at school or college.
The team will assess your child to see what skills and support they need to develop to be able to learn. This can include specialist skills such as:
- Braille
- touch typing
- use of low vision aids
- improved use of functional vision
- mobility and independence skills
The VIT service is free to all early years settings and state funded schools and Leeds City College. Independent schools may be charged.
Other specialist services VIT provide include:
A mobility and rehabilitation officer may provide training to children who have a visual impairment to help improve their movement skills.
This includes moving safely around different environments and travelling independently by foot or on public transport.
Children and Families Officers provide specialist support to young children at home or in school. They help with early years development and focus on using play as a means to learn for visually impaired children.
The Learning Resources officers produce learning materials in formats that are accessible to visually impaired children. They also provide training to schools to make sure that their lessons are accessible for all children.
How to refer a child
Referrals to the VIT are often made by health services when your child is first diagnosed. They can also be referred by the school or special educational needs coordinator (SENCo).
Before the team can offer support, they must receive parental consent. Parents and carers can also refer their child themselves.
To make a referral call 0113 378 5296. If you would like to write to the team, you can post your referral to:
Ellen Maher, Area Lead Teacher of the Visually Impaired, Adam’s Court, Kildare Terrace, Leeds, LS12 1DB
If you are a parent or carer of a child with visual impairment moving into Leeds, please call 0113 378 5296.
After you have made a referral
After you have made a referral, the VIT will contact you to arrange a visit to your home, school or college. They will assess your child’s needs and provide you with advice and support to help your child's development and learning.
They will also work with your child on visual and tactile (touch) skills if needed.