Ninelands Primary School


Ninelands Lane
LS25 1NT
United Kingdom

Contact details

Katie Pashley

About this school

DfE number
Number of pupils
Education phase
Age range
3 to 11
Type of school
Foundation school
FEEE offered, school out of school club
Not applicable
Not applicable

Admissions policy

Places are offered in priority order. Children who meet the first priority will get a place before children who meet the second.

Admissions year
September 2025 to July 2026
Number of places (published admission number)
Summary of admissions policy

1. Looked-after children or children fostered under an arrangement made by the local authority will be allocated a place in the school if it has been named as a preference by their parent or carer. Included in the looked-after children’ category will be any children previously looked after who ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to a child arrangement order or special guardianship order (evidence required).

2. Children without an EHCP but who have Special Educational Needs, or with exceptional medical or mobility needs, that can only be met at Ninelands, will be admitted. Applications in these categories must be supported by a statement in writing from a doctor or other relevant professional. (conditions apply and evidence required).

3. Children with brothers or sisters who will be at Ninelands Primary school at the start of the academic year 2025 –2026. We can give priority for brothers and sisters if they are living in the same house and we receive your application by the closing date (conditions apply).

4.  Children who live in the defined catchment priority area for the school. The map showing the defined catchment area for Ninelands Primary School is shown at the end of the policy in Appendix A.

5. All other children.

You should read the full admissions policy before applying. For some criteria, you may need to send extra information.

How places were allocated in previous years

How many children got a place by priority

Offer day 2024

All applicants admitted

Last child offered a place

Find out which admissions priority the last child met and how far they lived from the school (if applicable) in previous years. All distances are measured as a straight line.

Offer Day
Priority admitted
To be published on offer day
Offer Day
Priority admitted
All applicants admitted
Offer Day
Priority admitted
All applicants admitted

How many people applied

Offer day
2025 - to be published on offer day

More information

Visit the school’s website to find out about performance, uniforms and after school clubs.

Travel information

20 mph outside school
School crossing patrol
Parent waiting shelter
Cycle storage
Scooter storage
Cycle routes