New website
We are excited to announce the launch of the new website. Find out more information.
Bishops Way
LS14 6NU
United Kingdom
Places are offered in priority order. Children who meet the first priority will get a place before children who meet the second.
Priority1. “Looked after” children and children who were previously “looked after” (in England), but ceased to be so because they were adopted, or became subject to a child arrangements or special guardianship order, as well as children who appear to the Trust Board to have been in state care outside of England care, but ceased to be so as a result of being adopted.
Following the allocation of places under Priority 1, up to 50% of the remaining places will be allocated as Foundation Places in the following priority order;
Priority 2a - Children of active worshipping families from Christian churches. Places will be offfered as follows:
i) Frequent worshippers at a Christian church. The worshipper may be the child or one or more parents/ carers (evidence required and conditions apply).
ii) Regular but not frequent worshippers at a Christian church. The worshipper may be the child or one or more parents/ carers (evidence required and conditions apply).
Priority 2b - Children of active worshipping families of one of the following major world faiths: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism or Sikhism
i) Frequent worshippers at the place of worship. The worshipper may be the child or one or more parents/carers (evidence required and conditions apply).
ii) Regular, but not frequent, worshippers at the place of worship. The worshipper may be the child or one or more parents/carers (evidence required and conditions apply).
Priority 3: Staff Commitment Places: Following allocation of places under Priority 2, places will be allocated to those children of BYA staff who have shown their commitment to the church academy ethos by working at the Academy for two years or more at the time at which the application is made.
Priority 4: Community Places
The remaning places will be allocated in the following order:
a)Those children whose permanent address is inside our Priority Admission Area and have a brother or sister already attending BYA who will be continuing at BYA in Years 8-11 in September 2025.
b) Those children whose permanent address is inside our defined Priority Admission Area for BYA.
c) Those children whose permanent address is outside our Priority Admission Area and have a brother or sister already attending BYA who will be continuing at BYA in Years 8-11 in September 2025.
d) Any other children by distance
You should read the full admissions policy before applying. For some criteria, you may need to send extra information.
Offer day 2024
All applicants admitted
Find out which admissions priority the last child met and how far they lived from the school (if applicable) in previous years. All distances are measured as a straight line.
Visit the school’s website to find out about performance, uniforms and after school clubs.
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