New website
We are excited to announce the launch of the new website. Find out more information.
Austhorpe Lane
LS15 8TP
United Kingdom
Places are offered in priority order. Children who meet the first priority will get a place before children who meet the second.
1. Looked after children and all previously looked after children for whom the school has been expressed as a preference (evidence required).
2. Children without an EHCP but who have special educational needs, or with exceptional medical, mobility or social needs, which can only be met at the school (conditions apply and evidence required).
3. Children with a sibling who is on the school admission register (aka the school roll) on National Offer Day and is living at the same address (conditions apply).
4. Children who have a parent employed by Red Kite Learning Trust as an established staff team member within Austhorpe Primary School at the time of application (conditions apply). (
5. Children living in the catchment area of the school.
6. Any other children, by distance from the school.
You should read the full admissions policy before applying. For some criteria, you may need to send extra information.
Offer day 2024
Priority 1 - C L A: 4
Priority 3 - Sibling: 12
Priority 5 - In-Catchment: 10
Priority 6 - Any other children: 4
Find out which admissions priority the last child met and how far they lived from the school (if applicable) in previous years. All distances are measured as a straight line.
Visit the school’s website to find out about performance, uniforms and after school clubs.
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