Broomfield South SILC

​Public consultation on proposals to expand Broomfield South SILC by 100 places, as part of a school rebuild, and the establishment of a permanent satellite site for post-16 provision.

What our plans involve

Leeds City Council is consulting on two proposals relating to the Broomfield South Special Inclusion Learning Centre (SILC).

  1. To expand the school's capacity by up to an additional 100 places for learners aged 2 –16 years as part of a proposed rebuild to the school.
  2. To establish a permanent satellite site of Broomfield South SILC for post-16 learners at the Arlington Business Centre, White Rose Park, LS11.

The proposed opening date for the rebuild of the main site and the additional places (Proposal 1) is September 2027.

The permanent satellite site at the Arlington Business Centre (Proposal 2) would be from September 2025.  

Why we are proposing this

In March 2024, Leeds City Council announced its ambition to rebuild Broomfield South SILC to deliver a new purpose-built, state of the art school. This would address the longstanding and ongoing poor condition building issues. To support the growing need for specialist places for children with Education Health and Care Plans we are proposing, as part of the rebuild, to expand the school by up to 100 places.

Post 16 Satellite Site

This proposal is to formalise Arlington Business Centre, at White Rose, as a permanent satellite site of Broomfield South SILC for post-16 learners from September 2025 onwards.

These proposals require approval from the Secretary of State for Education and would need to follow relevant planning processes, however the proposals have the full backing of Broomfield South SILC's governors and leadership team.

Broomfield South SILC is an Ofsted rated Good school.


Monday 1 July 2024Consultation opened
Sunday 28 July 2024Consultation closed
Wednesday 18 September 2024Earliest date a report on the consultation could go to our Executive Board
The consultation has now closed and the consultation responses are being considered. A further update will be provided soon.

If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact us.

Contact us



PO Box 837, Assets and Access Team, Leeds City Council, Leeds, LS1 9PZ