If you bring trade or business waste to a household waste recycling centre you could be fined or imprisoned. This includes landlords bringing waste from rented properties.
Seacroft household waste recycling centre
Address | Limewood Road, Seacroft, Leeds, LS14 1LU |
leeds.waste@leeds.gov.uk | |
Opening hours |
8am to 6pm - Summer, 1 April 2024 to 27 October 2024 8am to 4pm - Winter, 28 October 2024 to 30 March 2025 Last entry is 15 minutes before closing. Open seven days a week. We are closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year's Day. The Revive Leeds shop is open 10am to 3:30pm. |
Access |
Only residents within the Leeds City Council boundary area can use our Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs). We aim to provide an accessible service, and although the arrangements within the site may not provide suitable access for everyone, staff are available to assist if required. Our recycling centres are working sites with moving heavy goods vehicles. For safety reasons pedestrians cannot access the sites on foot. |
Public transport | Get directions with Google Maps |
Before you visit
Weekdays are less busy, expect queues at weekends and bank holidays.
Public safety on site
To make sure everyone stays safe on our site you should:
- wear suitable footwear (not flip-flops, sandals or high heels) when visiting to help prevent accidents, slips, trips and falls
- think about wearing gloves to protect your hands and long sleeved clothing to protect your arms from sharp edges
- walls and railings at our sites are the minimum height required under health and safety regulations. Please make sure you can lift your waste and recycling over the walls, railings or container edges. You may wish to bring someone with you to help
- sort waste and recycling before your visit to minimise time on site
- please bring someone with you if you need help with lifting heavier items out of your vehicle
- children under the age of 16 and pets must stay in the vehicle at all times. Individuals not depositing waste should also remain in the vehicle
- be aware that in the interest of health and safety, some of our sites need to close for short periods throughout the day for container exchanges
- observe site speed limits and one way systems
- park in designated parking areas only and use marked paths, walkways and crossings
- report any spillages, incidents or accidents to site staff immediately
- adhere to signage on site and follow instructions from site staff
- vehicles are parked at your own risk
Materials we accept
- Aerosols
- Books
- Car batteries (diesel and petrol car batteries only, no electric vehicle (EV) batteries, contact your car manufacturer or dealer for advice)
- Cardboard
- Carpets
- Electrical appliances
- Energy saving bulbs
- Engine oil (maximum of 5 litres)
- Fluorescent tubes
- Foil
- Fridges and freezers
- Furniture
- Garden chemicals (maximum of 5 litres)
- Garden waste
- Glass
- Hardcore*
- Household batteries
- Household/DIY chemicals (maximum of 5 litres)
- Mattresses
- Mobile phones
- Paint
- Paper
- Plasterboard*
- Rubble*
- Scrap metal
- Shoes
- Soil*
- Textiles
- TVs and monitors
- Tyres* (4 max)
- Vegetable oil (maximum of 5 litres)
- Wood
*Limits and restrictions apply for disposing of some types of rubbish at our household recycling sites. Find a full list of items and more information on DIY waste limits.
Gas cylinders and fire extinguishers are not accepted at our household waste recycling centres. These should be returned to the manufacturer or retailer.
Using a vehicle other than a car
If you have a commercial type vehicle, such as a van or a four wheel drive pick-up, or use a trailer to take your household waste to the recycling sites, you will need a separate commercial permit. See waste permit scheme for more information and to find out how to apply.
Revive Leeds Re-use shop
Revive Leeds Re-use shop is also situated at this site. The re-use shop is the first of its kind in Leeds and is run by a community interest group made up of two local charities: SLATE and SVP. It sells low-cost, good quality furniture, electrical goods, clothes, books, bric-a-brac and other household items.
You can donate unwanted items to the shop and they will be sold back to the public at low prices.
Volunteering at the Revive Leeds shop
Please contact Revive Leeds direct on 0113 273 1791 to discuss volunteering.
Business waste
We operate a waste transfer station (weighbridge) to sort business waste for recycling at Seacroft. Find information and charges on our waste transfer stations page.
This site cannot accept asbestos. You can take asbestos waste by appointment only to Kirkstall household waste recycling centre.
See the asbestos disposal guidance for householders for more information.
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