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"Welcome to the Leeds Domestic Violence and Abuse Support in Safe Accommodation Commissioning Strategy. Domestic violence and abuse is a serious and prevalent issue, both nationally and here in Leeds. It has a drastic, negative, and long-lasting impact upon the safety, health and wider life chances of individuals, children, and families, and creates wider crises such as homelessness and financial exclusion."
Councillor Debra Coupar - Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Communities
Making sure that victims-survivors and their children have access to safe accommodation is an absolute priority for Leeds City Council that is supported by our partners. It is not a standalone issue but rather one that is inherently connected to other serious social challenges that we face in the city. I am proud that this strategy has been developed in that spirit of partnership. This strategy will enable us to meet our duties under the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and provides us with a clear set of priorities and actions to deliver the support in safe accommodation for our communities.
To deliver this strategy, we need a joined-up and coordinated response, involving the council, the police, the voluntary and community sector, other partners, and the wider community. Our vision is for Leeds to lead the way as a beacon city where domestic violence and abuse is not tolerated and where victims-survivors and their children know how and where to get the help they need. The implementation of this strategy will be underpinned by a robust action plan that will secure real change for our residents.
It sets out our partnership approach and redoubles our commitment to intervene as early as possible to support victims-survivors and their children to stay safe, report crimes and rebuild their lives. We know that support in safe accommodation is only one part of the whole picture in preventing and reducing the harm caused by domestic violence and abuse. We are working towards a holistic strategy that will cover the broader needs of victims-survivors and their children, to tackle those who are causing harm and set out what we can do as a community to offer support.
Reporting incidents and accessing support is difficult for everyone, and we know that some communities and those with complex needs may experience additional barriers. Therefore, we are pleased to be continuing the close work between statutory services and the voluntary and community sector to meet the needs of the diverse communities in Leeds and to ensure that our services are easier to access.
We all have a responsibility to help put an end to domestic violence and abuse and I thank everyone involved in writing this strategy for their continued dedication to preventing all forms of domestic violence and abuse in our city, safeguarding our residents and supporting victims-survivors to recover. It is vital work in which I hope we will all play our part.
Leeds has a strong partnership response to domestic violence and abuse through the Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board (DALPB) and is working towards developing a holistic domestic violence and abuse strategy over the next 12 months. This involves the contribution of many partner agencies and strategic boards. By using this partnership, we can mobilise the resources of many different services to provide a response to victims-survivors that is needs led, trauma informed and reflects the compassionate city ethos.
Our vision is that through this Support in Safe Accommodation Strategy we want to give victims-survivors options of where they can live safely and be supported by responding to their accommodation needs.
We believe that domestic violence and abuse is everybody's responsibility and requires a co-ordinated and pragmatic partnership response influenced by a survivor leadership model.
Domestic violence and abuse is both a cause and consequence of gender inequality, with women disproportionately the victims-survivors. Women are more likely to experience repeat victimisation, be physically injured or killed as result of domestic violence and abuse and experience non-physical abuse (including emotional and financial abuse), than men. We are committed to furthering an understanding that domestic violence and abuse is both a gendered issue whilst also recognising and responding to the needs of men who also experience abuse.
We recognise the work to address domestic violence and abuse relates closely to the work to tackle ending violence against women and girls. The new West Yorkshire Mayor is committed to ending violence against women and girls. Leeds is committed to being a strong local delivery partner to work with the West Yorkshire Mayor and the future work on the domestic violence and abuse strategy will ensure robust connections are made to help accelerate progress in all aspects of violence against women and girls
We are committed to seeking out and responding to the lived experience of victims-survivors and enabling their involvement in improving responses to domestic violence and abuse. The anonymised comments from victims-survivors about the value of support in safe accommodation are reflected throughout this document and we are deeply grateful to them for adding to this strategy.
In this Support in Safe Accommodation Strategy, we are seeking to:
We recognise that everyone's journey and situation is unique, and we will strive to help everyone reach a place of safety. We also know that some people face more barriers and challenges, and we will strive to improve our responses to make our services more accessible.
There are several values we hold in Leeds which will underpin our priorities and form a thread throughout our delivery. These include:
This strategy has been informed by a housing needs assessment that includes information from victims-survivors and service providers and data from services who provide accommodation-based support.
The Domestic Abuse Act was passed into law in April 2021.
The act creates a statutory definition of domestic abuse:
'Abusive behaviour' is defined in the act as any of the following:
For the definition to apply, both parties must be aged 16 or over and 'personally connected'.
We also acknowledge that domestic violence and abuse can take place in many forms and in many different intimate and familial settings including female to male abuse, abuse within same sex relationships, elder abuse, peer on peer abuse, child to parent violence or adolescent to parent abuse, post separation abuse, honour-based abuse, forced marriage and female genital mutilation.
The act places a duty on local authorities to provide support to victims-survivors of domestic violence and abuse and their children in refuges and safe accommodation.
It also ensures that a child who sees or hears, or experiences the effects of, domestic violence and abuse and is related to the person being abused or the perpetrator is also to be regarded as a victim of domestic violence and abuse. Find out further information about the act.
Through this support in safe accommodation strategy, Leeds City Council and its partners will seek to make sure that we are meeting the duties in the new legislation and as it develops, going beyond that to provide a holistic, wide reaching response to all those affected by domestic violence and abuse.
There have been increasing trends in reported domestic violence and abuse in Leeds over recent years. This has been especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic, with demand increasing further when restrictions were lifted. There have been more high-risk cases (as identified by the DASH risk assessment) and within these, the levels of complexity have also grown. A significant proportion of domestic violence and abuse incidents have had children present or living in the household. We know that reported incidents are only part of the picture and that there are many people living with domestic violence and abuse who do not disclose or report abuse. Many don't recognise their experience as abuse, are prevented from accessing support or are not ready to make changes about where or who they live with.
Victims-survivors also face challenges accessing services that are not responsive enough, unable to meet their diverse needs or unable to deal with high levels of complexity.
We have a range of services that allow victims-survivors to access support in safe accommodation. These include:
The main routes by which victims-survivors access these services are:
Our support in safe accommodation strategy will build on this existing provision.
We have carried out a needs assessment to determine the level of provision required to meet our duty under the act. It provides a breakdown of the differing needs of victims-survivor groups and analysis of the current support in safe accommodation. This assessment analysed a range of data sets from within Leeds City Council, the commissioned domestic violence and abuse service, other commissioned and non-commissioned providers of supported housing. It also included feedback from victims-survivors who had accessed support in safe accommodation or community-based support, along with a call for evidence from a wide range of partner agencies.
Alongside the assessment, we identified needs that could be immediately met and commissioned during the current year. This was done through a series of conversations with department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (LLUHC), local agencies, victim-survivors and DALPB members.
The key issues identified by the assessment are shown below:
We have set three overarching strategic objectives. Each of the three objectives has a set of priorities that have been identified through the needs assessment, collaboration from a multi-agency working group and consultation with victims-survivors. Action plans will support the priorities by providing the detail of activity, timescales and performance measures for their delivery.
All the above will be underpinned by our vision, ambitions and values.
Domestic violence and abuse is everybody's responsibility and requires a co-ordinated and pragmatic partnership response.
The statutory duty for providing support in safe accommodation belongs to Leeds City Council. Funding has been allocated by DLUHC to meet our statutory duties to provide support in safe accommodation. The needs assessment and strategy inform the allocation of this funding. The DALPB has been established to support the council by providing advice and will be consulted on:
In delivering these duties the council and DALPB will:
Knowing what success looks like is critical. Leadership and accountability at every level of delivery will be worked through and must be clear and visible.
Due to the cross-cutting nature of the work, the DALPB has direct accountabilities to Safer Leeds Executive and relationships with the Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership, Leeds Safeguarding Adult Board and other relevant boards.
There are several strategies that sit alongside this one including:
We will aim to align with those strategies to deliver a coherent and joined up response.
We believe that to achieve our vision and ambitions, it's critical that the partnership collectively apply the following capabilities:
This support in safe accommodation strategy will be reviewed in 12 months to ensure it remains current and aligns with the next phase of the domestic violence and abuse strategy and action plan. Through our existing governance arrangements, victims-survivors and partner agencies will be encouraged to contribute to this review.
For further information or to comment on this strategy please contact
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