Street naming and numbering

Streets are named and buildings numbered when they are first built. It can be a way of acknowledging the past and paying tribute to those who have given distinguished service to the community or have contributed to the local heritage.

Sometimes street names or numbers have to be changed, for example if there are new buildings nearby. We will only change a name or number if we have to.

How to request a new address or change an existing address

You need to complete an application form if you are developing land and buildings and need new addresses.

We will record addresses and send them to organisations who deal with addresses such as Ordnance Survey, the Royal Mail and the Land Registry.

If we do need to make any changes we discuss them with owners, developers and other organisations. We make sure that the new naming or numbering is suitable and that no duplication or similarity exists which could lead to confusion.

Once identification has been approved, we let everybody know including the post office and emergency services.

When completing the application form, make sure that you include the relevant fees.

Please make sure you include the following when emailing us your application:

  • site plan (mandatory unless planning application approval obtained)
  • written approval of freeholder owner (mandatory if you are not the freehold owner)
  • detailed drawings of the development/building
  • payment receipt or reference number

Please submit your application documents by email.

Postal applications can be made on request but will take longer to process. An application can be processed once all necessary planning permissions are granted.


Current fees from 1 February 2024.

Application type Application cost Example
Application for new development or new address (including conversions) £103 for one plot/address plus £17 for each additional plot/address Conversion of office building to 10 flats = £103 + 9 x £17 = £256
Change/Reaffirmation of existing address or street name (including the addition of a name) £111 for one address plus £17 for each additional address Add a name to an existing numbered address = £111
Change to previously approved development address scheme including changes to layout (Revising a scheme) £167 for one plot/address plus £25 per each additional address / plot affected Addition of 10 plots to previously numbered development scheme (which affects the address of 20 previously approved plots (30 in total)) = £167 + 29 x £25 = £892

Fees from 1 April 2025.

Application type Application cost Example
Application for new development or new address (including conversions) £105 for one plot/address plus £17.50 for each additional plot/address Conversion of office building to 10 flats = £105 + 9 x £17.50 = £262.50
Change/Reaffirmation of existing address or street name (including the addition of a name) £113 for one address plus £17.50 for each additional address Add a name to an existing numbered address = £113.00
Change to previously approved development address scheme including changes to layout (Revising a scheme) £170 for one plot/address plus £25.50 per each additional address / plot affected Addition of 10 plots to previously numbered development scheme (which affects the address of 20 previously approved plots (30 in total)) = 167 + 29 x £25 = £909.50

*Please note that applications for cluster/shared flats will be charged for each lettable room.


  • Applications will not be processed until the correct fee has been received.
  • If the fee is not paid within 7 days of the submission of the application, the application will be deemed returned, removed from our systems and a new application will be required.
  • If the correct supporting documentation is not submitted within 21 days of request, the application will be returned and the fee refunded on request.
  • Refunds will not be given once a valid application has been received and the processing of the application has begun.
Guidance notes

Are you the Applicant, Agent or the Developer?

  • Agents and Developers should fill in their details in full, the applicants full name and organisation (if applicable) only.
  • If you are the applicant, applying for yourself then we require your details in full and the agent or developer details are not required.

What are you applying for?

Application to number a building consists of (most application will need to complete sections 1, 2 and 5):

  • Single New Builds
  • New minor or major developments
  • Conversion of buildings to commercial or residential

*If your proposal creates new streets, also fill in Section 3.

Application to name a building

  • These applications are for naming a new building, which cannot be given a postal number.

Application to name a street (only)

  • This type of application is for naming a street only, meaning no other properties are addressed off this street.

Application to re-name/renumber an existing building

This type of application is to deal with:

  • A change to an existing address
  • Historical anomalies/reaffirmation of existing address (example being a property the has changed and the main entrance is facing a different road)
  • The addition of an (alias) name to an already numbered property

Section 1

  • Select one from 1A
  • Select one from 1B
  • Select one from 1C
  • 1D: if you are not the freeholder, let us know who else has an interest in the proposal
  • 1E: if your proposal has Planning Permission, write the planning reference number here

Section 2: Building name or number request

  • Site Address: This is normally the address used to gain Planning Permission, or a description of where a site is located
  • Number of units within building: Upon completion, how many units (whether residential or commercial) will there be
  • Proposed address(es) to be considered: Please suggest any proposed building names/numbers
  • If you wish to name your property, provide reason for the name you have chosen: Reason for choosing the name/ number above
  • Type of Use: Is your proposal Commercial, Residential or mixed, if mixed how many units of each type?
  • Estimated completion date: Please confirm the estimated date for completion of the development, or confirm if the property is already occupied

Section 3: Street-naming preferences

  • If your development requires one or more new street names, please list your chosen names, and the reason for choosing those name(s)
  • If you are proposing to name a street after someone that is recently deceased, please make sure you have permission from the family before applying to us and submit this evidence to Leeds City Council as part of your application
  • Leeds City Council does not currently allow a street to be named after a living person

Section 4: Property name or number change details (This is not for addressing conversion of buildings in to flats or offices)

  • What you think the current address is
  • What you would like the address to be
  • Reason for changing the address, i.e. you are having issues, and describe what the issues/ problems are

Section 5: Additional information

Use this section for any additional information that you need to provide including:

  • For new developments please state how many letterboxes you intend to install and where they will be located, particularly if your proposal contains flats or offices
  • Also additional reasons for building or street names can be written here
  • Any other information that may be useful for Leeds City Council to make a decision


Submit application to along with:

  • Block and floor plans to be submitted along with your application - For flats and offices
  • Layout and Block plan - For all applications
  • Letter of Authority if you are not the freeholder, from the owner

Further details can be found in our street naming and numbering policy.

Make a payment

The easiest way to pay the fees with your application is online.

Make a street naming and numbering payment

You can also pay by credit or debit card by calling 0113 378 4385.

We are unable to take payments via American Express or by cheque.

Reporting a problem with a street sign

You can report a damaged or missing street sign using our online form.

We are unable to deal with reports of damaged or missing street signs by email or phone.

Contact us about street naming and numbering


0113 378 6995
