Strategic Flood Risk Assessment

The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) examines how sources of flooding may impact on development in Leeds, and makes recommendations for appropriate land use and flood mitigation strategies.

The SFRA has been carried out to:

  • collate information on all known sources of flooding, including river, surface water (local drainage), sewers and groundwater, that may affect existing and/or future development within the district
  • identify and map areas that have a low, medium or high probability of flooding within the district, defined in accordance with Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS25)
  • inform the development of council policy on managing flood risk and the allocation of land for future development
  • recommend that within flood affected areas, appropriate land uses (in accordance with the PPS25 Sequential Test) that will not unduly place people or property at risk of flooding
  • recommend, where flood risk has been identified as a potential constraint to future development, possible flood mitigation solutions that may be integrated into the design (by the developer) to minimise the risk to property and life should a flood occur (in accordance with the PPS25 Exception Test)

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