Pre-application enquiry service

We offer an advice service on your proposals before you submit your planning application.

It’s not compulsory but it will make submitting your proposal easier. The advice provided can provide a useful steer on proposals, leading to better quality developments and an increased chance of a quicker decision on the application.

  • the pre-application service is for advice single option proposals only. If you require advice on multiple options for the site/development, please submit separate enquiry forms and fees
  • officers will provide advice on whether it is likely that your proposal, as submitted, would be granted planning permission or not and will highlight main issues as appropriate

Planning officers will not be able to enter into correspondence to provide additional advice or discuss further the advice once they have given the formal response.

Advice for developers

We have developed a Planning Protocol which sets out our expectations of developers during the planning process, and how we will work to support them.  

How do I get pre-application advice

All enquiries should be submitted on a planning pre-application advice enquiry form.

As a minimum you will need to include the following with your application form:

  • a location plan at scale clearly identifying the boundary of the site or building (1:1250 or 1:2500 scale)
  • a proposed site layout plan

We aim to make initial contact within ten days for enquiries on major proposals and provide a written response in four weeks for all other enquiries. This is not guaranteed so please apply for pre-application advice as far in advance as possible.

When your enquiry has been registered, we will provide the application number and correct fee for you to make a payment.

Pre-application fees

Application type Fee (including VAT)
House alterations, extensions, outbuildings and alterations within the domestic curtilage £108
Signs £120
Listed building house extensions, outbuildings and alterations within the domestic curtilage £216
Telecommunications £216
Non-domestic listed building - works to a Listed Building without separate planning advice £360
Small minor - 1 to 4 residential units and commercial industrial retail or other use up to 500 square metres floorspace (includes change of use) £504
Larger minor - 5 to 9 residential units and commercial industrial retail or other use from 501 to 999 square metres floorspace (includes change of use) £864
Variation of a single condition of major or minerals permission £2,160
Variation of condition(s) of minor or other permission Same as fee for full application in development type
Minor modification or non-material amendment of minor or other permission Same as fee for full application in development type
Variation of more than one condition of major or minerals permission Same as fee for full application in development type
Minor modification or non-material amendment of major or minerals permission Same as fee for full application in development type
Advice in discharging conditions £120 per condition
Planning performance agreements - including pre-application stage £24,000
Major category 1 for the largest and most complex schemes - 250+ units or 25,000+ square metres floorspace, which require several meetings and written follow up advice and possible presentations to the Plans Panels £18,000
Major category 2 for the largest and most complex schemes - 250+ units or 25,000+ square metres floorspace, which require a single meeting and written follow up advice (includes all Minerals, Waste and Energy proposals and Registered Provider proposals) £9,600
Major category 3 for 100 to 249 residential units or 10,000 to 24,000 square metres floorspace non-residential use (includes change of use and Registered Provider proposals) £8,400
Major category 4 for 50 to 99 residential units or 5,000 to 9,999 square metres floorspace non-residential use (includes change of use and Registered Provider proposals) £5,400
Major category 5 for 25 to 49 residential units or 2,500 to 4,999 square metres floorspace non-residential use (includes change of use and Registered Provider propsals) £3,360
Major category 6 for 10 to 24 residential units or 1,000 to 2,499 square metres floorspace non-residential use (includes change of use and Registered Provider proposals) £2,640
Site area proposals to seek the planning use of the land Up to and including 1 hectare £600 and thereafter £600 per hectare
Variation of a legal agreement £2,400

Pay online

Please ensure you have your pre-application reference number. Without this you will be unable to continue to pay.

If you request an invoice for payment for your pre-application enquiry, your enquiry will only be validated upon confirmation of payment. Please email with the invoice number and your proof of payment once this has been made.

Pay a pre-application fee online


We will make every effort to ensure that the advice given in the pre-application process is as accurate as possible. However, any advice given by council officers does not constitute a formal response or decision of the council with regards to any future planning applications and, whilst it may be a material consideration, cannot be held to bind the council in its validation or formal determination of a subsequent application.

If an application is subsequently submitted which fails to take on board advice given by officers, then the council reserves the right to not enter into further lengthy negotiation with the applicant or agents.


Developers and applicants should be aware that information related to pre-application requests may be subject to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. The Act and Regulations provide for some exemptions from the need to disclose commercially sensitive information and in cases where applicants consider that specific information is exempt from the requirements of the Act or the regulations, the justification for their position should be provided to the local planning Department.