Our Building Control team oversees demolition work in Leeds to keep the public safe and ensure adjoining buildings and the site are made good on completion.
Permission is not required to demolish:
- buildings with a volume of less than 50 cubic metres
- greenhouses
- conservatories
- prefabricated garages and sheds
Give notice of demolition
You must give us notice of plans to demolish a building by submitting a Section 80 notice form at least six weeks in advance.
If you cannot use the form
We will visit the site and issue a notice of conditions to ensure that precautions are in place to safeguard the public.
Please send us your application by post or email.
Applications cost £200. Once your application has been received and accepted, we will give you an application reference number. You will need this before making your payment.
Pay online
Pay for a Section 80 notice application online
External link
Pay by telephone
Payments can be made over the phone with a debit or credit card.
Contact us to make your payment.
0113 378 6006
(Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm and Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm, voicemail outside of these hours)
Building Control
Leeds City Council
9th Floor, Merrion House
110 Merrion Centre