Useful links and documents for Public Health

Information and useful links related to public health. There are a mixture of local and national websites offering advice and services on health and wellbeing.

Doing Good Leeds

Doing Good Leeds helps third sector organisations access the best help and advice on running their organisation.  It also aims to involve and inform people in the big issues affecting the third sector in Leeds.          

West Yorkshire Police: Dementia Awareness / Herbert Protocol

The Herbert Protocol is a national scheme being introduced by West Yorkshire Police and other agencies which encourages carers to compile useful information which could be used in the event of a vulnerable person going missing.

Carers, family members and friends can complete in advance, a form recording all vital details, such as medication required, mobile numbers, places previously located, a photograph etc. In the event of your family member or friend going missing, the form can be easily sent or handed to the police to reduce the time taken in gathering this information.        


For help to make choices about your health, from decisions about your lifestyle, such as smoking, drinking and exercise, to finding and using NHS services in England.   


NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group

​For general advice and information on the local NHS healthcare services in Leeds, the latest information on public health campaigns, how you can get involved in your local NHS and take part in local consultations, finding out about the drugs and treatments that you are entitled to, and health advice.        

NHS in Leeds        

Parent Info

​Parent Info is a collaboration between CEOP and Parent Zone, which provides high quality information about children's wellbeing and resilience. Parent Info is free and ranges across a wide range of subject matter, from difficult topics about sex, relationships and the internet or body image and peer pressure to broader parenting topics like ‘how much sleep do teenagers need?'        

For further details, please visit:        

Dare 2 Care

Dare2Care aims to ensure that every child is safe from abuse and that the normalisation of violence in young people’s relationships is challenged.

Family Information Service

The Family Information Service is for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-19 (or up to 25 if your child has a disability). They can provide information on a wide range of family services including childcare, family support and activities.        

Where there’s muck there’s bugs

​This page links to an interactive lesson plan devised by e-Bug a European-wide educational resource for junior and senior students, which is led by Public Health England in its Primary Care Unit in the South West and is available free for teachers.        

Where there’s muck there’s bugs: e-Bug lesson plans help children to stay safe down on the farm.        

5 A Day: what counts?

Use this website to find out what you can do to improve your health. Find tips for eating well, moving more and living longer.        

Health matters: harmful drinking and alcohol dependence

This resource provides information on the harmful impact of alcohol dependency. It supports the commissioning and delivery of evidence based treatment interventions to address harmful drinking and alcohol dependence in adults.​        

Healthy Start
One You Leeds

Use this website to find out what you can do to improve your health. One You Leeds provides support to be smokefree, manage your weight, eat better, move more, and cook well.         

Leeds Libraries
Leeds Sexual Health

​The one stop shop for sexual health services in Leeds. This site lists all the free sexual health services available in Leeds. You’ll find useful maps, contact numbers, websites, and opening times at your fingertips. Each section is split into services for under 25s and services for over 25s – again to help you choose the most relevant services.        

Samaritans – The DEAL programme

This Samaritans' teaching programme helps schools develop the skills that young people aged 14 to 16 need to cope with life's challenges.        

DEAL (Developing Emotional Awareness and Listening) aims to:        

  • raise awareness of emotional health and the importance of recognising when you need help
  • develop help-seeking behaviour and skills in young people
  • develop positive coping strategies in young people
  • reduce stigma and barriers to talking about emotional health​​
School Wellbeing

This site has over 250 resources and up to date information available to schools and school settings relating to Health and Wellbeing. Topics include Healthy Schools, emotional wellbeing, mental health, healthy eating, physical activity, PSHE and citizenship.        

SCIE: Social Care TV

Social Care TV is an online service commissioned and produced by SCIE for everyone involved in social care and social work.        

You can watch the videos online or download them for use in presentations or training events. All videos include supporting material and related information to help you put what you see into practice.        

Engage Toolkit - The Children's Society
Stop Hate UK - Leeds

​For contact details of hate incident reporting services in Leeds, as well as links and contact details for other support services in Leeds.        

Leeds Citizens Advice Bureau

Leeds Citizens Advice Bureau offers free, confidential, impartial and independent advice and information on a wide range of subjects. They have bureaus in Leeds city centre, Crossgates, Pudsey, Morley and Otley, plus a wide range of other locations across the City from where they can offer advice.        

Leeds Community Healthcare

Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust provides a range of community-based health services across the Leeds area, including health promotion and education services to improve the health and wellbeing of all the people in Leeds.​