Want to know more about... sessions

Want to know more about sessions are suitable for anyone with an interest in or responsibility for promoting health in Leeds.

These short sessions cover a wide variety of public health topics and aim to develop professionals’ awareness and practice around the subjects covered.

At a typical 'Want to know more about...' session you will:

  • learn how to identify the public health issue being covered
  • discover local services that are working to improve the issue
  • understand ways you can help, should you choose to

The sessions are free of charge and are presented by friendly and knowledgeable facilitators who are experts in their fields, including specialists from the Leeds Public Health team.

Upcoming sessions

Want to know more about…Prostate cancer

Monday 10 March 2025, 11am to 12 midday

Prostate Cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK. March is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and is a great opportunity to find out more about, and raise awareness of prostate cancer and getting checked out.

We know that cancer can be an emotive topic so we aim to keep the session informative, light hearted and engaging. This webinar is suitable for anyone working or volunteering within organisations supporting individuals with their health and wellbeing including health, social care and the third sector, or anyone interested or involved in promoting community wellbeing in any capacity.

This online session will cover topics such as:

  • what prostate cancer is, signs and symptoms and when to seek support
  • knowing your risk
  • testing for prostate cancer
  • how you can help – signposting and resources
  • Q&A

This session will be delivered by Leeds Health Awareness Service

Want to know more about…Nicked! A resource to prevent Child Criminal Exploitation

Tuesday 18 March, 12:15pm to 1pm

This online session will give an overview of a new resource developed by Forward Leeds. Nicked! is a multi-player board game designed to stimulate conversations around the risks and impacts of Child Criminal Exploitation and county lines grooming. It helps young people and professionals recognise the techniques used by gangs to identify and manipulate their victims. The aim of the game is for players to discover which of their friends has been arrested, where and why.

Forward Leeds has a limited number of the games available for people to play and the Public Health Resource Centre has sets of the game that they can loan out.

The session will cover:

  • the development of the game
  • a short overview of county lines and grooming
  • how the game can be used to raise awareness and educate with young people

The session is suitable for:

  • Teachers
  • School Counsellors and Pastoral Support Staff
  • Youth Workers
  • Police Officers, particularly those in Community Policing or CCE Units
  • Youth Offending Team Members
  • Social and Child Welfare Professionals and Social Workers
  • Child Protection Officers
  • Family Support Workers
  • Students and Youth Ambassadors
  • Anyone working to prevent child exploitation in Leeds

The session will be delivered by Forward Leeds Young People’s Group Worker, Lewis Edwards, and Communications Officer Mark Hindwell from Forward Leeds.

Want to know more about... community hubs

Wednesday 23 April, midday to 1pm

Leeds City Council has 26 community hubs and libraries across the city. They offer a number of different services designed to address community needs and reduce health and social inequalities, with a particular focus on supporting those affected by poverty.

As hubs operate through a combination of core services and strategic partnerships, they are able to deliver a wide range of support and initiatives through a single point of contact, making it easier for people in Leeds to access the support they need locally.

Join this free online WTKMA session to find out what support people can access locally through Leeds' community hubs and libraries, and much more.

The session will cover:

  • the community hubs and libraries model
  • core services offered at the hubs
  • partnerships and other support available at hubs
  • key initiatives including Project Development work
  • future plans

This session will be delivered by Nick Hart (Head of Customer Contact) and Adele Wilson (Community Hub Manager for the East North East cluster) from Communities, Housing and Environments.

Want to know more about... films

Some of the 'Want to know more about…' sessions are recorded and published to YouTube.

You can watch recorded webinars and other training films on the Leeds Public Health Training playlist on YouTube , at a time that is suitable to you. If you attended a session that was recorded, this is where it will be published.

Leeds Public Health training playlist

Delivering a want to know more about… session

If you are interested in delivering a 'Want to know more about...' session to raise awareness of a particular public health issue or service, please contact us at phforall@leeds.gov.uk for a discussion.