Public health campaigns

Find current, future and past public health campaigns supported by the Public Health Resource Centre (PHRC).

We promote campaigns led by UK Health Security Agency and The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (formerly Public Health England). Other PHRC campaign sources include national campaigns and awareness days on NHS Employers.

Leaflets and posters and supporting information such as useful websites and resources, are available for each campaign. Find the full list of leaflets and posters and information about how to order them for free.

To maximise the impact of campaign messages, we encourage all of our customers to take part.

If you would like to receive monthly updates on upcoming campaigns, plus other information about training and resources, sign up to the PHRC newsletter.

For more information call us on 0113 378 6200 or email

Current and future campaigns

No current of future campaigns.

Past campaigns

The PHRC supported these recent campaigns.

Last updated December 2024.

Just One More, 20 May 2024 to 28 June 2024

The "Just One More" campaign aims to encourage people to increase their vegetable intake by "just one more" portion per day.

Key campaign messages

The campaign will provide ideas to help people eat more vegetables by:   

  • consuming vegetables as snacks
  • adding more vegetables into meals
  • adding more vegetables when shopping
  • growing vegetables at home or in community spaces
  • sharing vegetables with friends and family
  • choosing more vegetables at school

Get involved

Thinking about your influence in the city – how could you encourage just one more portion of vegetables across your workplace, within your role working with communities or in your own home. All resources are available at the Food Wise Leeds website.

More information

The PHRC has useful resources in stock that are available to order for free, including:   

  • Poster: Just one more: at nursery (P670)
  • Poster: Just one more: at school (P677)
  • Poster: Just one more: as a snack (P685)
  • Poster: Just one more: in your meals (P692)
  • Poster: Just one more: seasonality calendar (P833)
  • Just one more pull up banner (JUSTONEMORE)
Cervical Screening Awareness Week, 17 to 23 June 2024

Did you know that going for your cervical screening can help prevent cervical cancer? 

Cervical Screening Awareness Week takes place from Monday 17 to Sunday 23 June 2024. It is a great opportunity to find out about, raise awareness of and share information about cervical screening and cervical cancer. 

Get involved

You can support this campaign on social media using the hashtag #CervicalScreeningAwarenessWeek. 

More information

Find out more about cervical screening, cervical cancer signs and symptoms, screening, treatment and support: 

The PHRC has useful resources in stock that are available to order for free, including: 

  • Leaflet: Spot Cervical Cancer Early (L391)
Dying Matters Awareness Week, 6 May 2024 to 12 May 2024

Key campaign messages

This year's theme, 'The way we talk about dying matters', focuses on the language that we use, and conversations we have, around death and dying – specifically between healthcare professionals and patients, their carers and their families.   

Get involved

More information

The PHRC has useful resources in stock that are available to order for free, including:   

  • Leaflet: Let's talk about dying (L322)
  • Book: You are not alone: a new way to grieve
  • Leaflet: Talking about dying with people affected by dementia (L323)
  • Poster: Don't leave it unsaid (P765)
World Hypertension Day, 17 May 2024

Key campaign messages

World Hypertension Day is celebrated annually on 17 May. The main aim of the day is to educate the public and increase awareness of hypertension, which is also commonly known as high blood pressure.   

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a major cause of a range of health problems such as strokes, heart attacks and kidney disease, and can also contribute to dementia.   

Many people who suffer from high blood pressure are not aware that they have it as there can be no symptoms. Often people only find out after suffering a heart attack or stroke.   

You can get your blood pressure checked at a pharmacy without seeing a GP. Find a local pharmacy that offers free blood pressure checks.

Find out more about high blood pressure.

Get involved

Are you supporting people with high blood pressure? To support the workforce, Leeds Public Health have developed a communications pack with a range of resources you can use to support people with or at-risk of developing high blood pressure. To access copies of these resources or for more information, please contact   

Get your blood pressure checked this World Hypertension Day!   

  • 100,000 people in Leeds may have high blood pressure but don't know it, could you be one of them?
  • This World Hypertension Day (17 May) a range of health and care partners will be at the Gledhow Wing, St James' Hospital in Leeds, to support staff to 'Know Your Numbers'. Come along to get your blood pressure checked and see how you can support others too.

More information

The PHRC has useful resources in stock that are available to order for free, including:   

  • Leaflet: Understanding blood pressure (L412)
  • Leaflet: My blood pressure reading (L413)
Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week, 20 May 2024 to 26 May 2024

Key campaign messages

  • there are over 48,000 people who are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes in Leeds and many more who do not know they are at risk
  • this prevention week, we want to raise awareness of the risk of type 2 diabetes and the support in Leeds to help people reduce their risk

Get involved

  • Anyone can help raise awareness by signposting people to the free, simple and potentially life-saving assessment can help people better understand individual risk of type 2 diabetes can be done online via the Diabetes UK: Know Your Risk tool. Anyone who completes an assessment will be directed to free advice and information on the help and support available to manage their risk. The Know Your Risk Tool can be accessed at: Diabetes UK – Know Your Risk of Type 2 diabetes   

  • If you are working in Primary Care you can refer people who are at high risk of developing diabetes to the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme. If you need any support with referrals and finding patients at your practice who are eligible, please contact   

More information

The PHRC has useful resources in stock that are available to order for free, including:

  • Leaflet: At high risk of developing type 2 diabetes (L418) - A booklet for patients who have been diagnosed at high risk of developing diabetes
Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, April 2024

Bowel Cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the UK. April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month and is a great opportunity to find out about and raise awareness of bowel cancer and bowel cancer screening.   

Key campaign messages

Symptoms of bowel cancer may include:   

  • changes in your poo, such as having softer poo, diarrhoea or constipation
  • bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your poo
  • a persistent and unexplained change in bowel habit
  • unexplained weight loss
  • extreme tiredness for no obvious reason
  • a pain or lump in your tummy

Get involved

Use hashtag #BowelCancerAwarenessMonth to help spread awareness and be part of the conversation.   

More information

Find out more about bowel cancer including symptoms, causes, screening, treatment and support on the NHS:   

The PHRC has useful resources in stock that are available to order for free, including:   

  • Leaflet: Bowel cancer (order code L410)
  • Poster: Knowing the symptoms of bowel cancer could save your life (order code P818)
NHS Healthy Start Scheme, March 2024 onwards

The NHS Healthy Start scheme helps families and pregnant people on low incomes to get healthy food, milk and vitamins. However, we know many families in Leeds are not accessing the scheme and we need to do more to promote the scheme and support families to access it.   

Key campaign messages

Get involved

Promote the scheme to people who you work with. You can access the NHS Healthy Start Scheme communications toolkit.

Please contact Nicola Goldsborough ( if you would like to discuss any promotion plans or have any questions.

World Tuberculosis (TB) Day, 24 March 2024

World Tuberculosis (TB) Day on 24 March 2024, aims to raise awareness about tuberculosis (TB), including how to get free and confidential TB screening and treatment.   

The theme of this year’s World TB Day is: Yes! We can end TB.   

Key campaign messages

TB can be cured but can cause serious health problems if left untreated. The main symptoms of active TB are:   

  • a cough, that lasts more than 3 weeks and usually brings up mucus
  • fever
  • weight loss
  • tiredness
  • night sweats
People can also have latent TB which does not cause any immediate symptoms but can cause illness later on in life.   

Get involved

Use hashtags #YesWeCanEndTB #WorldTBDay #EndTB to help spread awareness and be part of the conversation.   

More information

The PHRC has useful resources in stock that are available to order for free, including:   

  • Leaflet: Tuberculosis: the disease, its treatment and prevention (order code L121)
Be Blood Pressure Wise, February to March 2024

100,000 people in Leeds have high blood pressure but are not aware. There is an additional concern with people who have an existing diagnosis of hypertension not attending their GP appointments.   

Therefore, a targeted awareness-raising campaign is taking place primarily in Middleton and Seacroft PCNs, but with some citywide approaches. The campaign comprises of social media posts, bus shelter adverts, large posters in local communities and an audio campaign. All encouraging people to ‘know their numbers’, with signposting to community pharmacy. A GP comms pack has also been developed to support people with an existing hypertension diagnosis.   

Key campaign messages

  • there are often no signs and symptoms of high blood pressure
  • the importance of knowing your blood pressure and ways to find out what it is
  • ways to take control of your blood pressure
  • the importance of knowing your risk of high blood pressure

Get involved

You can get involved by:   

More information

The PHRC has useful resources in stock that are available to order for free, including:   

  • Leaflet: Understanding blood pressure (order code L412)
  • Leaflet: My blood pressure reading (order code L413)
HIV Testing Week - 5 to 11 February 2024

National HIV Testing Week takes runs from 5 to 11 February 2024, and this year it marks a decade since it started.   

Testing is free and confidential.

Key campaign messages

Testing is the only way to know if you have HIV and worth doing because people can live with HIV for a long time without any symptoms. It is easier than you think to get and take an HIV test - a finger prick test is all it takes. You can get tested at Leeds Sexual Health Clinic, your GP surgery, Yorkshire MESMAC, or you can be tested in the comfort of your own home by ordering a postal test kit.   

During National HIV Testing Week, you can order a free self-test, which you take yourself to get a result in just 15 minutes, or a postal test where you take a sample yourself and send it off to a lab who will then contact you with your result.   

Find where you can test near you on the 'It Starts With Me' website.

Order your free HIV test kit to be delivered in plain packaging directly to your home, on the Freetesting HIV website..

The PHRC has useful resources in stock that are available to order for free, including:   

  • Leaflet: HIV: looking after your sexual health (order code L279)
  • Leaflet: PrEP: an easy guide (order code L270)
Check-in With Your Mate - January 2024

The West Yorkshire Check-In With Your Mate (CIWYM) campaign aims to promote these conversations and to raise awareness of the factors and signs that may lead to suicide, inspiring people to start conversations about mental health with the men in their life - at home, in the community and at work - potentially saving lives.   

Dry January - January 2024

Take on 31 days alcohol-free with Alcohol Change UK for a total body and mind reset. From better sleep and a mental health boost, to saving money and time - there's a whole lot to gain this Dry January.   

More information

Find more information on Dry January on the Alcohol Change UK website.   

The PHRC has useful resources in stock that are available to order for free, including:   

Alcohol calorie and unit wheel (L293)

This is an easy-to-use, interactive device for measuring the alcoholic unit content and calories in the most commonly consumed alcohol brands. It contains units and calorie information for wine, champagne, ale, beer, lager, cider, alcopops, dark spirits, clear spirits, cream liqueurs, vermouth, and fortified wine. Contact information for Forward Leeds is also provided for those wanting more information, advice or support.   

Alcohol unit display (UNITSALCOHOL1 or HEAVYDRINKING1)

The 3D models in these displays are designed to help people understand how many units are in popular alcoholic drinks.   

The Consequences of Alcohol Abuse (ALCOHOL)

This display shows what actually happens to organs of the body when alcohol is abused.   

Clean Air Night - 24 January 2024

Wednesday 24 January 2024 marked Clean Air Night - a night to raise awareness of the health harms of burning wood and other solid fuels in the home.   

Key campaign messages

The Clean Air Night campaign, run by the Global Action Plan, aims to debunk the myths about wood burning by shining a light on the uncomfortable truth that wood burning harms:   

  • your wallet – it is almost always more expensive than other forms of heating
  • your health - lighting fires in our homes is the largest source of harmful small particulate matter air pollution in the UK, contributing to respiratory and cardiovascular illness
  • the planet - wood burning creates more harmful CO2 emissions compared to other forms of heating

Get involved

Share this important information with people you work with to raise awareness of the health impacts of wood burning. This will be especially useful for people who suffer from respiratory or cardiovascular illnesses.   

Sign up and encourage others to sign up to the Leeds Air Quality Alert system, to be alerted when outdoor air pollution is forecast to be high.   

Share our top 10 indoor air quality tips to encourage small changes to improve air quality within the home.   

Support Clean Air Night on the PHRC social media channels with the hashtag #CleanAirNight.   

More information

The PHRC has useful resources in stock that are available to order for free, including:   

Leaflet: Protect yourself from air pollution indoors (order code L335)

This new double-sided A4 factsheet provides 10 top tips to improve indoor air quality. It includes information on ventilation, condensation, cigarette smoke, heating the home, servicing appliances, vacuuming, reducing use of harsh chemicals, and how to improve air quality while cooking.   

Leaflet: Air pollution and you (order codes L117 and L118)

These leaflets by the Clean Air Hub aimed at individuals (L117) and families (L118) provide information on the simple steps you can take to have a big impact on the air you breathe. Examples include walking and cycling to and from work or school, turning off your engine when your vehicle is stationary, and ventilating your home.   

Leaflet: Dealing with damp and condensation (order code L336)

This Leeds City Council leaflet provides information on the damage to health and homes caused by damp and condensation. It includes steps to take to prevent condensation and mould, and contact details for reporting repairs.   

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week - 22 to 28 January 2024

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week runs from 22 to 28 January 2024. It is a great opportunity to find out about and raise awareness of cervical cancer, cervical screening and the HPV vaccine.   

Key campaign messages

Did you know that going for your cervical screening can help prevent cervical cancer?   

Get involved

Support this campaign on social media using the hashtag #CervicalCancerPreventionWeek.   

More information

The PHRC has useful resources in stock that are available to order for free, including:   

  • Leaflet: Spot cervical cancer early (order code L391)

Find out more about cervical cancer signs and symptoms, screening, treatment and support at: