Leeds has over 500 miles of public rights of way, such as footpaths and bridleways, which can lead you through rich and varied landscapes, and from urban areas to glorious countryside.
This public rights of way network provides the key to exploring much of the countryside of Leeds, whether it be for active pursuits such as walking, cycling or horse-riding, or more leisurely strolls.
This public rights of way network also requires a lot of resources to keep it in a safe and useable condition, with tasks including cutting back encroaching vegetation and over-hanging branches in autumn and winter, scraping off grass and soil to expose the surfaced track, resurfacing and edging paths, constructing styles, gates and other access features and installing directional signage to help people navigate the network.
We are looking for teams of ten or more volunteers to help us maintain this massive network of paths.
In many cases we may need to ask for a contribution towards these projects, as directional signage and materials for access features can be expensive.