Roundhay Park

The park covers over 700 acres of rolling parkland with lakes, woodlands, formal gardens, cafes, playgrounds, and the Tropical World visitor attraction.

Lake at Roundhay Park


Roundhay Park is three miles north of Leeds city centre. The address is Mansion Lane, off Princes Avenue, LS8 2HH.

Get directions on Google Maps.


There are 4 car parks:

  • at the south end of the park off Wetherby Road
  • at the end of Park Avenue by the Lakeside Cafe
  • at the west side of the park by the old tram station off Princes Avenue
  • at the end of Mansion Lane by the Mansion House Hotel

On-street parking is also available on Mansion Lane.

There are three disabled parking bays on Mansion Lane and a large bay that can take five cars outside Tropical World.

Find out about the parking locations and prices.


Visit West Yorkshire Metro to find bus information.

Opening hours

The Explorer's cafe at Tropical World is open from 10am to 3pm.

The Land train starts at approximately 11am and runs every 15 minutes, weather permitting, on Saturdays, Sundays and during school holidays.

Attractions and facilities

View a map of the park (JPG, 490 KB).

The park contains:

The Land train starts at Lakeside Cafe and runs up Carriage Drive and along Middle Walk, to the Park gates and then does a return journey. The train costs £1.50 for a single or £2.00 for a return ticket and the journey time is eight minutes.

Fishing is permitted on Waterloo lake except by the boating area. The boating area is to the front of the cafe (up to the maintained grass area) and to where the path leaves the side of the lake on the opposite bank.

Fishing is not permitted along the Dam and Bywash areas as part of the 1975 reservoirs act. It is not permitted on the top lake because it is a protected wildlife habitat.

Please tidy up and take away your lines and hooks so the swans, ducks and geese don’t get tangled up in them.

Disabled access

There are three disabled parking bays on Mansion Lane and a large bay outside Tropical World, which can take five cars.

Entrances to the park and all paths are wheelchair accessible. There are some inclines within the park.

Accessible toilets are available in Tropical World Explorers Cafe, the Visitor Centre and the Education Rooms. There is also an accessible toilet at Lakeside Cafe.

A playground with accessible play equipment is located at the playground near the tram car park off Princes Avenue.


Roundhay Park hosts a wide range of events including outdoor concerts and triathlons.

Find out more about organising events in Leeds if you want to host an event at Roundhay Park.


The Friends of Roundhay Park are a large group of supporters of the park who aim to protect the natural beauty and improve the facilities and resources of the park.

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Contact us

Get in touch if you have any general questions about this park.


Find full parks contact details on our parks and countryside page.

Other useful phone numbers

LeedsWatch – 0113 376 0331
(24 hour helpline)

Dog Wardens – 0113 222 4406