Find out where your nearest grit bin is, how to request one for your street and when we refill them.
Find your nearest grit bin
There are over 1,500 grit bins across Leeds. You can use them to clear public roads and footpaths when ice and snow is forecast. You
should not use them to clear your own property and driveway.
You do not need to use a lot of grit, a tablespoon will treat an area of one square metre.
Find your nearest grit bin
Request a grit bin for your street
If you would like a grit bin for your street, you can ask us to assess it.
We will assess:
- how steep the road or footpath is
- how often it is used and by how many people
- whether it is close to a school or a hospital
Request a grit bin External link
Damaged grit bins
If the grit bin on your street is damaged you can report it online. We'll replace it next time we come to refill it.
Report a damaged grit bin
Report an empty grit bin
If you need grit or rock salt urgently you can buy it at local DIY stores.
We refill yellow and green grit bins when it is less than 10% full, subject to capacity, each winter from October to February.
When ice or snow is forecast to last more than 2 days, we prioritise primary gritting routes and other busy roads. We still refill yellow and green grit bins during these periods, but it can take longer than usual.
You can let us know about damaged and empty yellow or green grit bins by email. Send your name, address and the location of the bin to
If you need help with a blue grit bin, email and include your name, contact number, and the location of the bin including the postcode.