New website
We are excited to announce the launch of the new website. Find out more information.
Forward Leeds is the integrated alcohol and drug service for the city, with delivery hubs across Leeds. It is a consortium arrangement, which means that a number of different service providers, some of whom have been working in Leeds for a number of years, are working together to deliver an integrated service.
There is a single point of contact for all, so people who want support with their drug or alcohol use can just call one number: 0113 887 2477, or they can self-refer or refer another person through the Forward Leeds website.
The service has a presence across the whole of the city. There are three main hubs, one in each wedge, which deliver the full service, as well as a recovery hub and primary care provision. As well as using the single point of contact number and website above, people can self-refer for support by attending one of the hubs, with the principle that there is no 'wrong door' for people to access help.
The service provides a holistic approach to support clients, including specialist teams that can offer help around complex health needs, mental health, family support and housing (where there is also a substance use support need). The service offers outreach support for clients who may find it challenging to access support in the hubs. They also have a presence at major festivals and events in the city to offer advice, guidance and support about the misuse of substances.
The Young People's team accept referrals for those aged 21 years old and under (they occasionally work up to the age of 24, where there may be additional support needs). Support is offered on a predominately outreach basis, delivering sessions within the community (such as schools, colleges or home visits). There is a counsellor based within the team, who will accept internal referrals for young people accessing support from the young persons team. A group worker is able to deliver tailored, targeted group work for young people across the city.
Referrals for one-to-one or group work can be made on the Forward Leeds website or by calling 0113 887 2757.
When parents are accessing substance use treatment services, it can also impact other people within the family. Forward Leeds has a Family Plus Team, who focus on strengthening family relationships and achieving the best possible outcomes for children and parents.
The team offers a variety of support including:
There is an Emotional health and wellbeing worker within the team, offering one-to-one support to children and young people around managing their emotions and developing age appropriate understanding of their parents substance use treatment.
In addition, Forward Leeds also has workers based within the city's Family Hubs (previously known as Early Help Hubs). This team provides workforce development opportunities, alongside support for individuals where there may be emerging or escalating difficulties around substance use. These workers are able to undertake short term, direct interventions and help in signposting families to the right service. They can also provide guidance and advice regarding pathways or service provision, joint working and coaching, and consultation with practitioners to develop knowledge and skills in working with specific areas of concern.
Where possible, practitioners should speak to the person about their concerns and the support available from Forward Leeds.
Advice and further information is available via the website or by calling 0113 887 2477 (or 0113 887 2757 for those 21 years old and under) between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. To make a referral, practitioners will need the consent of the person they are referring. If the person would like a practitioner to support them to attend a first appointment, this can be mentioned on the referral.
The Forward Leeds website has further details of the support offered by the service, and details of the three main recovery hubs, based in Seacroft, Armley and Leeds city centre. The opening hours and addresses for the hubs are available on the website.
To discuss accessing workforce development and training in relation to working with adults or young people who misuse substances, please call the support line on 0113 887 2477. You can follow Forward Leeds on Twitter @forwardleeds or Facebook ForwardLeeds.
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