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A Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) examines the circumstances surrounding the death of a person aged 16 or older when it has, or is suspected to have, resulted from violence, abuse, or neglect by someone they were related to, had been in an intimate personal relationship with, or was a member of the same household. Additionally, reviews are commissioned in cases where a person has died by suicide, and domestic violence or abuse appears to have been a contributing factor - these are referred to as Fatal Incident Reviews (FIR).
The purposes of DHRs and FIRs are to:
Under the Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act (2004), Community Safety Partnerships have had a statutory duty to commission DHRs since April 2011. In Leeds, the Community Safety Partnership, Safer Leeds, oversees this responsibility. DHR reports from the past two years, including executive summaries and lessons learned briefings, can be requested through Lessons learned from DHR.
Since April 2011, 33 reviews have been commissioned in Leeds, revealing the following demographic features:
The following issues were identified from DHRs and FIRs:
Learning from DHRs is integrated into all key areas of workforce development, service improvement and commissioning activity.
Learning and recommendations from DHRs and FIRs have informed several developments in Leeds over the past 14 years and have contributed to the domestic abuse breakthrough priorities. These include:
A proactive approach in which practitioners ask all women seen alone whether they are experiencing domestic abuse. This method is implemented in various settings and has proven effective in promoting the early identification of domestic abuse.
The longer someone experiences coercive and controlling behaviour, and the more intense it is, the higher the risk, especially when the victim tries to leave the relationship. To the perpetrator, this act of leaving is often seen as a reclaiming of control, which can escalate the danger.
DHRs have identified difficulties in accessing mental health services amongst both victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse. Referral procedures into some statutory mental health services have been revised to secure timely responses and offer a range of support and services.
Across the partnership, practitioners are becoming more aware that victims may have experienced significant ACEs such as family breakdowns, being care experienced, involvement with the criminal justice system, alcohol or substance misuse, and risks of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) or Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE).
An increasing number of practices have identified Safeguarding Lead GPs, who play a key role in advising colleagues on domestic abuse related issues, conducting risk assessments, and signposting or referring cases to specialist services.
DHRs have influenced the way we commission a range of services, including housing and substance misuse support services as well as specialist domestic abuse support.
Efforts are underway to ensure that isolated and vulnerable victims can access services and support. This includes training practitioners and commissioning domestic abuse services with the expectation that they demonstrate how they are reaching victims from all communities, including migrant communities, those with substance misuse and mental health issues, and victims from LGBT+ groups.
Published DHRs and FIRs, including executive summaries and lessons learned briefings and for more information about the response to domestic abuse in Leeds, please visit the Leeds Domestic Abuse web pages, and read the domestic violence and abuse one minute guide.
For more information about support in Leeds visit the Leeds Domestic Violence Service website.
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