There must be at least a 24 hour gap between each different event with a TEN on the same premises.
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Find out how to apply for a temporary event notice (TEN) for the occasional sale of alcohol, providing entertainment and sale of hot food and drink (after 11pm) on unlicensed premises.
You’ll also need a TEN if a licensable activity is not included in the terms of your existing premises licence, for example, increasing the hours of the licence for a limited time.
Your event must:
There are 2 types of TEN, and the difference is in the number of days notice you must give and what happens if your notice receives an objection.
For a standard TEN, you must give at least 10 working days notice. This does not include the day we receive the TEN or the day of the event, any weekends or bank holidays.
A “late” TEN is when there is only between 5 and 9 working days notice. This does not include the day we receive the TEN or the day of the event, any weekends or bank holidays.
A late TEN is usually reserved for when an event must be moved with very little notice.
You can apply for several events on one notice, if they are all on the same premises, within the 168 hours limit and are organised by the same person.
A single premises can have up to 15 TENs per year, if the total length of all events isn't more than 21 days.
You can get:
There must be at least a 24 hour gap between each different event with a TEN on the same premises.
Make sure to keep a copy of the temporary event notice for your reference and to display at the event.
If you have any problems completing the form, contact us.
If you have applied online, we will send copies of your notice on your behalf.
If you apply by post, you must send one copy of your notice to the police and one copy to environmental health at the same time.
Leeds District Licensing Department
West Yorkshire Police
Leeds District Headquarters
Elland Road
Leeds LS11 8BU
Seacroft Ring Road Depot
Leeds City Council
LS14 1NZ
Phone: 0113 378 5959
You should keep your copy of the TEN and acknowledgement letter at the event in case an authorised officer of the council or a police officer asks to see it.
It is an offence under the Licensing Act 2003 to fail to display the notice. When you served your TEN you should keep a copy for future reference and display.
The legislation requires you to produce the TEN when asked to do so by either an officer from Leeds City Council or a relevant person. This would be a police officer or an environmental health officer.
The legislation requires you to ensure that a copy of the TEN is:
This can also be in the custody of a nominated person working at the premises, as long as a notice confirming this, and the job role held by that person is prominently displayed at the premises.
If your TEN is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, then you need to apply for a copy. This can only be requested for up to a month after the end of the event. The fee for a copy notice is £10.50.
The fee for a TEN is non-refundable. Before you submit the TEN check it carefully and contact us if you need any further information, including whether the TEN is in time and within the stated limits.
If we receive an objection notice from the police or environmental health to a standard TEN, we will organise a hearing for no later than 24 hours before the event and let you know the date and time.
You will be able to explain to a licensing sub-committee about your application and any measures you will take to address the concerns of the police or environmental health.
At the hearing, the sub-committee will either approve, add conditions, or reject the notice.
If the police or environmental health object to a late TEN then it is no longer valid and you can't have licensable activities at your event (for example, you wouldn't be able to provide alcohol or have live music).
Should you have cause for complaint in relation to a temporary event notice, we would always recommend that you write to the business first. If that does not work, contact us and providing it is a matter covered by the legislation, we can investigate the complaint for you.
The council and the West Yorkshire police are Joint Data Controllers of the information you provide. The council and the West Yorkshire Police have a statutory duty to process and maintain licences and permissions and conduct enforcement activities in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003 as part of a legal obligation to meet the statutory requirements for the licensing of the sale of alcohol, regulated entertainment, and late night refreshment.
We may share the following information with the third parties listed below: details of the licensed premises, licence status, the names, addresses and company numbers of persons and companies named on a licence. This may be shared with services in the council, for example, City Development, Environmental Action Services and Community Safety. In addition we will share with external third party organisations including Government departments, Information Commissioners Office (for National Fraud Initiative), the Health and Safety Executive, West Yorkshire Joint Services, Businesses Against Crime in Leeds, Leeds BID and West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to make further enquiries regarding your application under the Licensing Act 2003 or where required by law for the detection and prevention of crime.
The personal information you provide as part of your application for a premises licence, club premises certificate or personal licence will be held for a period of 6 years following the termination of the licence/permit. The personal information held for Temporary Event Notices will be held for a period of 2 calendar years following the event. Details of all transactions are recorded permanently as an entry on the licensing register.
The council’s corporate privacy notice, which includes details of the authority’s Data Protection Officer and your information rights is available to read.
The West Yorkshire Police full privacy notice can also be read.
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