Due to essential maintenance the Public Access system for viewing and commenting on planning applications will be unavailable from 5pm until 7pm on Wednesday 5 March. We apologise for any inconvenience.
*Family member has a specific definition within the Exemption Order. Do not assume that you will meet this definition without first reviewing the Exemption Order and contacting the Selective Licensing Team.
Temporary exemptions
You might qualify for a temporary exemption if you are taking steps that will mean your property will no longer need a licence. This exemption will last for up to three months.
You might qualify if you:
are going to stop renting out your property
have sold your property subject to contract
have permission to change your property from residential to another use
You'll need to complete an application form and provide us with evidence that you're taking steps to achieve this.
You need to inform certain people in writing that you are planning to make an application for a licence. You should write to:
your mortgage lender for the property to be licensed
any other owners of the property
anyone who manages your property
the proposed licence holder (if that is not you)
anyone who would be bound by a condition in the licence
any tenants or long leaseholders of the property if the lease or tenancy is for more than three years
If you would like to use a template to contact these people, we have a:
Template form to interested parties
Form to interested parties
I (name of applicant)
of (address)
wish to advise you that I have applied for a Selective Licence under Part 3 of the Housing Act 2004 to Leeds City Council’s Selective Licensing Team, Leeds City Council, Knowsthorpe Gate, Leeds, LS9 0NP the application being made on **/**/20** in respect of the property known as: (name and address of property including postcode)
The name, address, telephone number and email address of the proposed licence holder is detailed below (if different from above).
Name of the proposed Licence holder (if not the applicant):
Address (house number/street name postcode):
Apply for a licence
You’ll need to apply for a licence for each of your properties in the designated areas, including each self contained flat.
You can save your progress on the form and return to complete it for up to seven days before your application is deleted.
If you rent out a property without making a valid application for a licence, you could face prosecution with an unlimited fine or a financial penalty of up to £30,000 per offence.
We will assess your application as soon as we can and will contact you if we need more information from you. If you have any questions about an application for a licence, contact us.
The fee for a selective licence is £825 for each property or unit of accommodation. If the licence holder is the owner of the property to be licensed and a member of Leeds rental standard at the time of application, a discount of £150 is available for each licence.
The fee will be paid in two parts:
£425 when you submit the application
£400 if the application is successful (£250 for Leeds rental standard members)
If you are granted a selective licence you will need to comply with certain conditions.
We will aim to visit your property during the period of your licence to make sure that you are meeting these conditions. We may request for you to give us proof or provide us with a declaration that you are meeting a condition.
To ensure that all gas installations and appliances are in a gas safe condition and that an annual gas safety check is carried out by a Gas Safe registered engineer.
To produce to the council on demand for inspection, a copy of the gas safety certificate obtained for the property within the last 12 months.
To provide a copy of the current gas safety certificate to all tenants or occupiers at the beginning of their tenancy/occupancy and to keep a written record that this has been provided.
Electrical safety
To keep any electrical appliances that are made available in the house in a safe condition and to supply to the council, on demand, a declaration as to the safety of such appliances.
Smoke alarms
To ensure that a smoke alarm is installed on each storey of the house on which there is a room used wholly or partly as living accommodation and to keep each alarm in proper working order.
To supply to the council, on demand, a declaration as to the condition and positioning of any smoke alarm.
Carbon monoxide alarms
To ensure that a carbon monoxide alarm is installed in any room that is used wholly or partly as living accommodation and contains a solid fuel burning combustion appliance and to keep any carbon monoxide alarm in proper working order.
To supply to the council, on demand, a declaration as to the condition and positioning of any carbon monoxide alarm.
To keep any furniture that is made available in the house in a safe condition and to supply to the council, on demand, a declaration as to the safety of such furniture.
Antisocial behaviour
To take all reasonable and practicable steps to prevent or reduce antisocial behaviour by persons occupying or visiting the house, including, but not exclusively:
to put in place a written procedure that indicates how complaints relating to antisocial behaviour will be dealt with. A copy of the procedure shall be supplied to the occupiers upon the commencement of their tenancy and to the council on demand
to keep a written record of complaints received relating to antisocial behaviour. The record shall include details of the complaint together with the action taken to resolve the matter, and shall be retained for the term of this licence
where antisocial behaviour is sustained, regular, or more than one occurrence (even if months apart), the licence holder shall take all reasonable and practicable steps to ensure it is effectively dealt with, up to and including eviction
Management of the property
To ensure that the internal structure of the house and every window and other means of ventilation is maintained in good repair and that any fixtures and fittings and appliances made available are maintained in good repair and working order.
To ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that the exterior of the property (including any boundary walls, gates and yards) is maintained in reasonable decorative order and in a good state of repair, that the exterior is free from graffiti and fly posters, and that gardens are maintained in a reasonably clean and tidy condition.
Household waste
To ensure that the house has suitable and sufficient provision for the storage and collection of waste arising from the household occupying the property, including the correct type and number of waste bins.
To ensure that all waste collected from the premises complies with the council’s Waste Policy for the collection of waste from domestic premises.
Tenancy management
To supply to all the occupiers of the house, within seven days of the commencement of any new tenancy, a written statement of the terms on which they occupy the property and to keep a written record that this has been supplied.
To obtain a reference for each person who wishes to live in the house as their main home. References shall be obtained before entering into any new tenancy, licence, or other form of agreement to occupy the house and shall be retained for the term of this licence.
To supply to the council on demand any references obtained for any tenancy for the term of the licence.
To supply to the council, on demand, details of all occupiers of the house.
Where a tenancy is terminated during the term of the licence, to ensure the correct process is followed and to supply to the council, on demand, a copy of all relevant documentation to demonstrate that the correct process has been followed.
To ensure that they give the tenant or occupier at least 24 hours' written notice of their intention to enter the house and specify the reasons entry is required. The exception to this is when it would not be reasonable to give such notice and access is urgent, for example in an emergency.
Changes to your licence
To notify the council, within 14 days, of any material change in circumstances that may affect the validity and terms of the licence, including:
a change of address
a change of manager, management arrangements, or property ownership
any change in the licence holders and, if appropriate, a person on whom restrictions or obligations under the licence are imposed, or any associate’s circumstances that may affect their status as a fit and proper person under the Housing Act 2004
any proposed changes to the house, including its layout, that would affect the licence or licence conditions
In accordance with legislation, we kept a public register of all properties that had a Selective Licence. A shortened version of the register could be accessed via Data Mill North. As the Selective Licensing schemes have ended, the registers are no longer.