Tenancy check-in

Find out what to expect from your tenancy check-in.

We aim to check in with you at least once every 3 years.

What it covers

You can:

  • ask for advice about your tenancy
  • raise concerns about your property or neighbourhood
  • give feedback

Your housing officer may need to check:

  • who is living at the property
  • the condition of the property
  • the property is not being used for anything that breaches your tenancy agreement
  • that your details in our records are up to date

We will write to you with a suggested time for the tenancy check-in. We may also knock on your door to see if you are available when we are doing other visits in your neighbourhood. The visit will take 30 to 60 minutes.

Contact us

Please contact your local housing team if you need to rearrange your tenancy check-in.

Ask to see identification before letting anyone into your home. Our staff will always carry ID.