Animal boarding charges consultation

Proposal to implement charges for animal boarding services for adults with health or care and support needs.

Our current provision

When a pet owner experiences an unplanned admission to hospital or a care home and can't find anyone willing or able to look after their pet, we do not charge for animal boarding. We also do not recover any additional costs the council incurs.

Why we are proposing to introduce charges

The council is continuing to face significant financial challenges. This means we review all the services we currently provide on a regular basis, to ensure we can continue to provide statutory services and be able to support those with the highest priorities and need.

We need to decide if we can continue to provide certain services free of charge, or introduce a cost. Charging for animal boarding services is one option we are now considering.

What our proposal involves

If an individual experiences an unplanned admission to hospital, respite or residential care and their pet is placed in a boarding facility, the council will invoice. for the full cost of the stay. As well as additional costs incurred during that time, such as vet fees.

Any adult with health or care and support needs who experiences an unplanned admission to hospital, respite or residential care and has their pet placed in a boarding facility will be affected.

When would any changes be made

If we decide to go ahead with the proposal, a date would be agreed for charges to commence. The charges would not be backdated.

Have your say

Find out more and share your views on the proposal online.

Complete the animal boarding charges surveyExternal link

You can complete the survey on behalf of someone else, but you should only submit 1 per person.

This survey should take about 10 minutes and the last day you can respond is Thursday 22 August 2024.

Contact us

Get in touch if you:

  • have any questions on the proposal
  • have any problems completing the online form
  • need a paper copy of the survey



0113 378 3821

Use this form to give us your comments. Do not use it to give us personal information - please contact us if you need to get in touch.