If you think you need permission for any work then contact us for an application form and guidance to help you.
Your application will need to have:
- a detailed description of the proposed work
- technical drawings
- a statement on how you plan to carry out the work
You should think about having a professional, such as an engineer or surveyor, help prepare your application.
Cost of applying
The cost of applying will depend on what work you need. Each structure costs £50.
Example: Sam wants to put up a wall to stabilise the banks and also connect an outfall pipe.
The total application fee would be £100 to cover these 2 structures.
How to pay
Contact us to discuss your fee before you send your application form.
We will then contact you after receiving your application to take payment by card or bank transfer.
After you have applied
We usually let you know our decision within 8 weeks of receiving payment for your application.
If we give consent, you still need to tell us when you are starting work. Contact us at least 7 days before. Work must be completed within 2 years of getting consent.