Health and safety at work

We are responsible for health and safety enforcement at around 18,000 commercial premises in Leeds. We deal with most non-industrial workplaces such as catering, wholesale and retail premises, consumer services, leisure and cultural sites, offices, religious premises, cosmetic treatment businesses and various other types of workplace.

Our role includes;

  • Carrying out inspections of workplaces to promote good practice and make sure business keep to the health and safety law.
  • Providing advice and guidance for employers so they can meet their health and safety obligations.
  • Giving advice to employees, the self-employed and members of the public on work-related issues affecting health, safety and welfare.
  • Investigating work-related accidents, certain dangerous incidents such as 'near misses' and cases of occupational ill health.
  • Investigating complaints about working conditions and hazards in the workplace.
  • Licensing and registration of skin piercing premises, reservoirs, Sunday trading activities and cooling towers.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

The HSE are responsible for health and safety enforcement at larger industries, such as factories, farms, hospitals and the railways. HSE’s office can be contacted by telephone on 0300 003 1747.

HSE also produce a wide range of information and advice leaflets for businesses. You can get a full list of available HSE leaflets from their website.

Reporting an accident at work or work-related disease.

Employers must report incidents involving workplace death, major injury, “over seven day” injuries, dangerous occurrences and gas incidents. Further information, including how to report incidents, can also be found on the HSE website under RIDDOR.

You can also report a health and safety issue or concern using the Report a health and safety issue at work form.