Tell us if we need to change your name

It is important that you tell us straight away if you have changed your name or it is spelt incorrectly on your bill.

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support claimants

If you claim Housing Benefit, Council Tax Support or free school meals and you have changed your name, or the name on your account is incorrect, you must let us know by using the change in circumstances form.

Name change

If you need to change your name due to marriage, divorce or the name on your bill is incorrect, provide us with your:

Phone: 0113 222 4404 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)

Name change by deed poll

If you have changed your name by deed poll, you will need to provide us with the following:

Please do not send original documents by post.

You can bring this to your nearest One Stop Centre, or post it to:

Leeds City Council
P.O. Box 911