0113 222 4404
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, except Wednesday when we open 10am to 5pm
Council tax reductions for annexes, carers, student nurses, young people, religious communities and people with severe health problems.
If your home has an annexe, the annexe may qualify for a 50% council tax discount if it is (one of the following):
Contact us to apply or talk about your eligibility.
You may not have to pay any council tax for your annexe if it is (one of the following):
to claim this exemption.
To qualify for an apprentice’s council tax discount you must be:
Contact us to apply or talk about your eligibility.
To qualify for a council tax discount you must:
Contact us to apply or talk about your eligibility.
There are council tax exemptions for:
Contact us to apply or talk about your eligibility.
You may be able to get a carer’s council tax discount if you are:
Find out more or apply by downloading the Carer discount claim form(PDF, 30KB).
if you cannot use the form.
You may be able to get an unpaid carer’s council tax discount if:
Contact us to apply or talk about your eligibility.
There is a council tax discount for people who have a condition that affects the brain. This can include dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, or if they've had a stroke.
You may qualify if:
Find out more and apply using the SMI claim form (PDF, 87KB).
if you cannot use the form.
There is a council tax discount for people who have moved to be cared for in a hospital, care home or certain type of hostel.
To apply and find out more, download the Care homes, hospitals or hostels claim form (PDF, 27KB).
if you cannot use the form.
If their home is now empty, they may be able to get a full exemption. There is also an exemption for people who have moved to get care in a place that’s not a care home or hospital. Find out more on our discounts for empty properties page.
You may be able to get a discount or exemption if a person who normally lives at your address is (one of the following):
Contact us to apply or talk about your eligibility.
If you have a learning disability you may be able to get a council tax discount if:
Find out more and apply using the SMI claim form (PDF, 127KB).
if you cannot use the form.
If you have a severe or chronic mental illness you may be able to claim a discount if:
Apply for the discount using the SMI claim form (PDF, 127KB).
if you cannot use the form.
You may be able to claim a council tax discount if you are a member of a religious community. For example, if you are a monk or nun.
Contact us to apply or talk about your eligibility.
You may qualify for a council tax discount if you are employed as a student nurse and taking a course that will lead to registration.
Find out more or apply by downloading the Student nurse discount claim form (PDF, 106KB).
if you cannot use the form.
If you're not employed as a nurse, but taking a nursing degree or diploma course, you can apply for a standard student discount.
If every person living in a property is under the age of 18, they may not need to pay any council tax. To claim this exemption, please contact us.
People aged 18 and 19 may be able to claim a discount on their council tax if:
If you claim this discount and then leave school or college after 30 April, there is a further discount for the period between the end of your course and the following 1 November (even if you start work during this time). This discount is usually granted automatically. If you think you should have been granted it but haven't, please contact us.
For further information and to apply, please download the Young person discount claim form(PDF, 29KB).
if you cannot use the form.
If something changes and you no longer qualify for a discount or exemption you must let us know.
You will need to give us:
0113 222 4404
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, except Wednesday when we open 10am to 5pm
Visit any of our Community hubs.
Leeds City Council
P.O. Box 911
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