To book, simply email or call us on 0113 378 7753.
The detailed guidance and terms and conditions below provide more information about the hiring of the spaces. Please read this before confirming the booking.
1. Background
The following spaces are actively managed by City Centre Management (CCM):
- Briggate Primary Space
- Briggate Secondary Space
- Lands Lane
- Dortmund Square
- Bond Court
- City Square
- Cookridge Street
- Kirkgate mini pitch
- Bond Street mini pitch
For more information and enquiries, contact CCM.
Please note City Square is also available for filming purposes. Email for filming enquiries. No vehicles are permitted on site, appropriate arrangements must be made if the intention is to use the loading bays adjoining the square for parking vehicles.
The following outdoor public spaces which are suitable for larger events and promotions are managed by Leeds City Council’s events team. Any enquiries can be emailed to
- Millennium Square
- Victoria Gardens (outside Leeds Art Gallery)
It is important the council has clear and consistent procedures for the granting of consents in our public spaces, to ensure the spaces can be effectively managed and any activities bring benefits to the public and nearby businesses with minimal disruption caused.
All promotions/events will be considered by CCM in the light of the agreed spaces policy, the conditions of use (see Appendix A), details of the promotion/event contained in the initial enquiry, factors such as event size and nature, and the annual priorities and programme of events.
- Annual priorities will consider issues such as:
- Marketing and publicity for the city
- Community involvement and participation
- Education
- Income generation
- Sponsorship
- Scale and nature of events
- Other events proposed in the city
2. Spaces policy
All the spaces managed by CCM (detailed in 1) will be available for advance booking for promotions, events, entertainments and filming booked with a minimum 2 week notice period (4 weeks for food and drink promotions).
Only promotions/events which don’t detract from the vitality and vibrancy of the city centre will be approved by CCM. This is at CCM’s discretion.
Use of promotional spaces will normally be considered on a first come first served basis, provided that the promotion/event abides by the spaces policy, priorities and conditions of use. CCM, in certain circumstances, may initiate changes to the venue and/or conditions of use. Notification of this will be in writing and where possible an alternative venue will be sought. All such decisions will be final.
The specific area(s) available for the promotion/event will be determined by CCM, in consultation with other relevant council departments.
At the discretion of the council, the prospective applicant may be asked to submit an environmental management statement, to describe how environmental impacts are to be avoided or minimised.
All promotions/events should comply with all relevant legislation and policy including health and safety, environmental health and highways, and the event organiser should provide all documentation required including public liability insurance. The organiser must comply with Leeds City Council’s enforcement policy on litter arising from flyers.
The promotion/event should not affect pedestrian flows, public safety, the general environment, or the interests of surrounding businesses, services or residents. The promotion/event should not be of a nature that could cause offence to city centre users.
CCM may require a risk assessment or method statement (where appropriate) from event organisers. It is the responsibility of the event organiser/ promoter to provide all documentation no later than 14 days prior to the start of an event (1 month for food and drink promotions).
All Leeds City Council departments support a multi-agency approach when organising major events and activities in the city, for which separate organisational arrangements are in place. Further information is available from both CCM and the Arts & Events Team. All such issues must be agreed by relevant parties prior to a major event being sanctioned. A fee will be charged to the event organiser if a proposed event is deemed to be of a size or complexity that multi agency consultation is requited.
All promotions/events must comply with the requirements of the Police, other emergency services and other key multi-agency partners who assist with the coordination of the events in the city as appropriate.
All promotions/events must comply with the up to date list of Conditions of Use (see Appendix A).
A fee will be charged for all promotions/events. An invoice will be raised within 5 working days of the final day of the event following the issue of a letter of consent.
Previous use does not guarantee future permission of use of a city centre space.
CCM reserves the right to refuse any promotion or event permission to book the city centre promotional spaces, and reserves the right to terminate any consent or stop any event which is in progress should the applicant not conform to the original agreement and conditions or if the activity differs from those outlined in the booking form. Any booking fee paid will not be returned in this circumstance. CCM and Leeds City Council will not be liable for any other costs that may arise due to termination.
The use of our spaces for promotions or events which do not hold the necessary permissions will not be permitted, and the council has the authority to terminate these. In circumstances where it is found an unauthorised promotion or event takes place, the council reserve the right to immediately stop the event and charge a fee retrospectively for that event, together with appropriate costs.
Failure to provide documentation as requested by CCM may result in the cancellation of an event.
The promotion and sampling of alcohol is not permitted in the spaces covered within this policy.
Only sample sized food and drinks promotions are allowed in promotional event spaces. No sausages or ice-cream promotions are allowed.
As stated in 2, applications for food and drink promotions must be received at least 4 weeks in advance of the proposed event. Consent will only be issued after CCM has consulted with the council’s Markets Division.
4. Charging policy
A fee will be charged for all promotions and events. **Insert link and text to CCM promotional spaces content here when done**
CCM reserves the right to charge additional fees at any time if additional staff time is spent on administration and monitoring of events. The event fee could be increased by up to three times the amount to cover these extra costs.
Additional fees can and will be charged should the council incur additional cleansing costs arising from the promotion or event. An appropriate retrospective charge will be levied to the consent holder along with any appropriate administration fees.
Charities requiring an event space should contact CCM as a discounted rate may be available.
The council reserves the right to vary the fee charged.
5. Booking procedures
Requests to hold promotions or events in the spaces outlined on this page should in the first instance be forwarded to CCM by emailing, where their suitability will be assessed.
Promotions and events that will be considered will include:
- product sampling
- charitable events
- music, entertainment and cultural events
- promotional roadshows and activities
If the promotion or event is considered suitable against our criteria (see 1), a provisional booking will be made subject to final confirmation, with no commitment to reserve the space at this point.
CCM will send the event organiser an application form for booking the promotional space, copies of our Conditions of Use, and any other relevant information, including an indication of the fee payable.
A completed application form must be returned to CCM within the required timescale (see 2), fully detailing the proposed promotion or event, with confirmation from the promoter that Conditions of Use will be adhered to. The form should be submitted with details of any necessary public liability insurance and other documentation confirming compliance with appropriate environmental health or other legislation.
Failure to return the booking form by the required deadline will result in the provisionally booked space being made available to other organisations to utilise.
Should you provisionally book a space more than 3 months ahead of your activity, your application form must be submitted to CCM no more than 1 month from the provisional booking. Your provisional booking may be lost if your form is not submitted in time.
Should a confirmed booking be subsequently cancelled or a promoter fail to turn up on the day, a charge of 100% of the full fee will become payable. This also applied to registered charities.
On receipt and consideration of the application form CCM may consult with other multi-agency partners, which may include other council departments, the emergency services, the Health and Safety Executive, public transport and car park operators, and city centre businesses.
CCM will initiate the raising of an appropriate invoice and issue the consent letter. Any other relevant parties will be advised as appropriate.
Event documentation listed in 2 must be submitted on time and signed off by all parties concerned. Failure to return this documentation in time may result in cancellation of the previous booking.
Event organisers booking a space managed by CCM must take into consideration the conditions detailed below under the following headings:
- site protocol
- health and safety
- access and egress
- vehicles
- insurance
- cancellation
- leaflet distribution
- noise
- filming
- street collections
- public assemblies
- equal opportunities
Site protocol
- The letter of consent granted by CCM must be available for inspection by any officer of the council on the day/s in question.
- Any display must be safe, tidy, attractive, and to the satisfaction of the council. Attaching or placing signs, banners or other items on or to street furniture or the highway surface will not be permitted. Please submit copies of any promotional/display materials with the booking form.
- The use of ‘A Boards’ is not permitted anywhere within the city centre.
- If a consent holder is asked to move their location by the council, Police or Fire Service, they will immediately comply with that request.
- The consent holder will be responsible for the reasonable cost of repair to the highway or street furniture if damage is caused by their event.
- The consent holder will be responsible for the satisfactory behaviour of any employees or other people involved in the event who shall also comply with these conditions.
- Petrol generators will not be allowed. Details or any other type of generator, such as silent diesel generators, must be submitted for approval by CCM.
- Activities will be positioned within the perimeter of the designated space so as to cause minimum disruption of pedestrian movement and no obstruction to shop frontages or city centre businesses.
- The consent holder or their activities shall not cause any nuisance or annoyance to any other users of the event spaces, occupiers of adjacent land or building, or to Leeds City Council.
- Litter generated as a result of any activity, including leaflets/samples/products promoted, mut be minimised during the event and removed from the event space and a 50m surrounding area both during and at the end of the activity. Failure by the consent holder to adhere to the above may result in a fixed penalty or abatement notice.
- The consent holder must remove all waste from the site at the end of each day, which should be disposed of at a registered Trade Waste site and NOT in refuse bins adjacent to the promotional space. A fixed penalty notice will be issued if any litter is left behind.
Health and safety
- All activities must meet all current Health and Safety legislation, e.g. all cables on site must be adequately covered or preferably positioned well above head height.
- Necessary fire fighting equipment must be provided and readily available.
- Promotion and sampling of alcoholic drinks is not permitted.
Access and egress
- Vehicle movement to and from any space must only take place within the hours permitted by the relevant Traffic Regulation Orders. These hours are normally 4:30pm to 10:30am within the pedestrian precinct. Exceptions apply when specific Police consent has been given, or the organiser has been instructed to move by the Police or council.
- Some spaces require bollards to be removed to be removed to gain access to set up and hold promotions/events. CCM must be aware of your proposed arrival and departure times to enable the bollards to be removed in a timely manner.
- Vehicle users must comply with West Yorkshire Police advice, that states: “Whenever a vehicle is driven upon footway areas it should be guided by another person so as to inhibit excessive speed and prevent conflict with any pedestrians in the vicinity”. Their advice is given without prejudice and would not absolve any person from criminal or civil liability
- All vehicles must use drip trays to avoid oil marks on the paving. The hirer will pay for the removal of oil marks or fuel spillages caused by vehicles used as part of the set up or delivery of an event.
- Vehicles used for towing or transporting units or equipment to a site must be removed from the site before the event commences. All trailers must be disconnected from the towing unit. The only vehicles allowed on site during the activity are those for which the application has been made for and express consent given, these must be branded vehicles which form part of the event/promotion.
- Any vehicular movement on site must be taken with proper provision for public safety. No vehicle is to remain on the area outside the agreed time without permission. Staff associated with the activity are not permitted to park privately owned vehicles on the spaces.
- Suitable spaces that are able to accommodate vehicles will be determined by Leeds City Council, shown on a plan and shall be strictly adhered to. Please ensure the site you book is suitable for the activity you are proposing.
- Any cabling from an event vehicle must be sited in line with current Health and Safety legislation.
- The consent holder will indemnify the council against all actions, costs, claims and demands that may result from their use of the highway under the consent granted by the council.
- The consent holder will, if the council requests, take out third party liability insurance in the sum of at least £5,000,000 with an insurance company who shall be approved by the council and will produce details of such insurance to the council.
- As stated in 5, should an event be cancelled after a letter of consent has been issues, an administration charge up to the full hire fee for the space will become payable.
- The council reserves the right to cancel or withdraw any consent, at any time prior to the date in question.
- Consent holders may be required to curtail or cancel an event on the day in the circumstances of an emergency or other authorised legitimate access requirements for which no satisfactory alternative access arrangements can be made.
- Where the event organiser does not abide by our Policy and Procedures, or the activity is not contained within the agreed space, CCM reserve the right to stop the event whilst it is in progress. Fees will not be returned should this occur.
Leaflet distribution
- The consent holder and all other event staff shall wait to be approached by members of the public when leafleting within the event space.
- Where the event involves the distribution of printed material, such as leaflets, flyers, or any printed format, litter must be collected and removed within a 50m radius by the consent holder during and after the event. Any distribution of printed material must be restricted specifically within the booked event space. Failure to adhere to this may result in the consent holder being served with fixed penalty or abatement notices.
- Leafleting shall only take place within the designated space with the written consent of CCM.
- For further information on flyering in the city centre or to apply for a citywide flyering permit, please see flyer consents.
- The consent holder will ensure that sound generated by their event is kept to a reasonable level and do not cause any noise nuisance to other businesses, residents or members of the public in the vicinity. If a complaint is received by the council, immediate corrective action must be taken.
- The use of loud hailers will not be permitted, unless specifically agreed with CCM in advance.
- When promotional spaces are booked for filming, all details of requirements for vehicles, cabling, lighting, tracking, props and other equipment must be agreed in advance with CCM, and strictly adhered to.
Street collections
- Cash collections will only be allowed for charitable organisations. Please note where an event involves a street collection, consent must be gained prior to the return of the booking confirmation form.
Public assemblies
- Promotional spaces are not pre-bookable for public assemblies (this term includes demonstrations). It is best practice to liaise with West Yorkshire Police by calling 101.
Equal opportunities
- The consent holder will comply with the council’s Equal Opportunities and Health and Safety policies.
Political parties and religious organisations
- Promotional spaces are not pre-bookable for political parties.
- This does not impede the right to freedom of speech. Please contact CCM if you have a query.
0113 378 7753 or 0113 378 6646
(Weekdays, 9am to 5pm)
If you require this information in large print, braille, tape or on disk please call City Centre Management on 0113 378 6646.