Our promise to children and young people in care

We have a series of promises that we make to all young people in care. Find out what our promises are and how to let us know if we’re not keeping them.

The promise

We promise to:

  • help and support you to stay safe and have a healthy lifestyle
  • involve you in all decisions about your life
  • have high aspirations for you and encourage you to reach your full potential
  • support you throughout your education and to plan for the future
  • listen and make sure you know what will happen next
  • celebrate your achievements
  • make sure you have lots of different people to support you
  • help you have new experiences and develop your own interests

We developed these promises with the Children in Care Council – a group of young people in care in Leeds who work to improve how we look after you.

Your social worker should have already shared the promise card with you and helped you to understand it. If they haven't done this or you want to know more, please ask them.  

Let us know if we’re keeping our promises

We want you to tell us how we're doing at keeping our promises to you. Let us know if:

  • we have not kept any of our promises to you
  • you’re unhappy with the support we’ve given you
  • someone has worked hard to support you and you think they should be recognised and praised

Share your experience of care with us, good or bad

  1. As a first step, you should always speak to someone who can make a difference.

    Tell your social worker, carer or independent reviewing officer about how we have done - good or bad. If you think we have not kept our promises, this person could help you solve the problem. 

  2. If you want to take things further, you can message us on tell us, we care!

    This message will go to senior leaders at our children and families' service. It is our job is to make sure you are supported, safe, healthy, happy and listened to.

Tell us, we care!

Alternatively you could contact us on telluswecare@leeds.gov.uk or 0113 378 5111. We will get back to you in 48 hours (Monday to Friday) to talk to you about what you want to do next.

We will speak to you first before we talk to anyone else. The only time we would not stick to this is if you tell us something that makes us worried for your safety.